Chapter 1: Confession

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As our plane touched down, the kids didn't jerk like they did when we landed in America. This time they were awake, smiling as they saw what they called home... what I want to call home. As the flight attendants opened the hatch we waited like we did in America, but as soon as it was clear we all booked it, struggling to throw our carry-ons onto our backs. I just wanted to see Tai. I needed to see him.

" There they are!" A female yelled, looking up, me and the kids halted in our sprint.

" Is that?"

" HAG?! What are you doing here?!" Bakugo bellowed, making heads turn towards us.

" Kaori! How was America?" The female asked as she wrapped her arms around Kaori.

" It was good. Everything okay here Mitsuki?" She asked the blond woman who Bakugo called 'hag', I'm pretty sure that this was his mother. Chuckling at the small reunion between Bakugo and his mother I spotted Aizawa, well... I saw Hizashi's hair first then they made themselves known. A small girl being held by Aizawa, her hair long and as white as snow, her red eyes peeking out from her hiding space.

" Welcome home listeners!" Hizashi exclaimed, making the little girl cover her ears, Aizawa shot him a look and Hizashi cleared his throat.

" Hey dads..." Kaori said hesitantly as she approached them looking at the little girl with confusion.

" Welcome back problem daughter... meet your little sister... Eri." Aizawa said and Eri buried her face into her chest. " I don't know how much Nixie has told you. But we'll explain when we get home." Aizawa said and she nodded.

" Thank you so much for taking care of my brat! I hope he wasn't too much for you!" Mitsuki said as she grabbed her son giving him a nuggie.

" It was no big deal. Honestly, it was good to go back for the month. I'll see you kids around, don't get into too much trouble." I told them then waved as I went to grab my luggage, they were much heavier than when I first came to Japan. Dragging it behind me I heard many people whispering about this man called Overhaul, and about this giant hole in the ground, sighing I realized how much something can change in a month. Pulling out my phone I saw nothing from Taishiro making me frown as I walked out of the airport.

" Nix!" An all too familiar voice called, making me look up and see Taishiro in a skinner form, a bandage on his jaw and many wrapped around his exposed arms.

" Tai! What happened?!" I exclaimed running towards him with my suitcase threatening to clip at my ankles as I came to a complete stop.

" Later." He mumbled as he pulled me into his arms, hiding his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around his head and shoulders holding him close.

" I've missed you..." I confessed quietly as I ran my fingers through his hair.

" Me too... Come on, let's get out of here." He said and I chuckled.

" Where are we going?" I asked him and he hummed in response as he grabbed my more giant suitcase.

" I was thinking we should go get something to eat. Then I could drop you off at the hotel?" He suggested and I nodded. The moment he mentioned food my stomach started gurgling and bubbling. Interlacing our fingers we walked to his car, he took my bags from me and loaded them into his trunk as I went and sat down in the passenger seat. Upon sitting down I felt my phone vibrate, pulling it out of my pocket I saw that there was a text from Rue. Opening my phone I opened our text feed.

Good news! I was able to

get your room back at your

original hotel. Have fun Nixie.

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