Chapter 2: Somebody to you

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I don't know how long I slept until I was awoken to the smell of food, making my stomach gurgle, sitting up my breasts ached and my stomach lurched making me dart to the bathroom hunching over the toilet gagging and spilling the remains of mine and Taishiro's lunch.

" Nix?" His kind and comforting voice echoed and I groaned sitting back on the heels of my feet. " You okay?" He whispered and I nodded.

" It's nothing, might be a cold," I told him and he nodded, squatting down and rubbing my back, a kind smile on his face.

" I'm going to go make you something light. Then we can cuddle and watch a movie, okay?" He asked and I nodded as another wave of bile climbed up my throat, lunging back to the toilet I gagged horsley, and he continued to rub my back softly. " Maybe a bath if you're still feeling sick." He mumbled then kissed the base of my neck, I nodded feeling him leave I placed my hand on my stomach, rubbing it gently, yawning I carefully got to my feet. Shuffling to the living room area I sat on the couch getting comfortable as the smell of porridge made my stomach bubble, fearing I might throw up. I went to get up until Taishio brought it into the room, my stomach settled upon seeing the porridge my stomach settled.

" Thank you Tai..." I whispered gently taking the bowl he turned on the TV playing something light and romantic in the background, he ate something that smelled like beef or maybe chicken, finishing my porridge I curled up against his side, attempting to steal some of his meat, he chuckled and shared some of his food, feeling drowsiness wash over me I closed my eyes cuddling into my, well in the words of my son, marshmallow of a boyfriend. I don't know how long I slept, but when I awoke his fingers were combing through my hair, sitting up and stretching I felt how thin I was.

" Stay here, I'll go get you some water." He whispered and I nodded, feeling a headache beginning to form, laying back onto the couch, I closed my eyes, feeling him enter with an extra-large glass of water, my body immediately absorbed it. My headache lifted slightly. " Want more?" He asked and I nodded keeping my eyes closed. I could feel him leave the room, sighing. I pinched the bridge of my nose before rolling onto my side. " Nix." He whispered and I hummed. " Let's get you in the bath, okay?" He asked and I nodded, reaching out for him. Wrapping my arms around his neck he lifted me off the couch taking me into the bathroom.

" Remember-"

" Not too hot, I know." He whispered I smiled nuzzling into the crook of his neck, entering the bathroom he sat down on the toilet getting the water running I leaned over feeling the temperature before crawling in, he smile and blushed seeing me in the bath making up some bubbles he sat down in the floor I smiled leaning back humming to myself. I felt him hesitantly reach for my head.

" You can wash my hair if you want." I whispered and I heard him chuckle then felt him leave the bathroom, I chuckled. " Smallest suitcase!" I called knowing what he was looking for. Feeling him enter the bathroom I snuck a glance, seeing him walk in with my plastic bag of shower supplies. Smirking, I dunked my head under the water, gasping. I sat up my hair wet and long, mostly taking up the water in the bath. Relaxing, I shortened my hair. He squirted some of my coconut shampoo before massaging the soap into my hair. Feeling his large hands weave through my hair I leaned into his touch savoring it as he gently lathered my hair.

" Better?" He asks me and I hum in response, rolling my head to the left smiling as he dipped his hands into the water, cupping some water, he raised out the soap before lathering my hair in conditioner, light and soft he then guide me into the water rinsing out the conditioner before lathering my blue loofah in my lavender and sandalwood soap, grabbing my arm he covered it in soap, gently gliding the loofah over my skin, I let a soft moan leave me as I enjoy him lathering my body in soap, cupping my breasts he continued cleaning me, relaxing into his arms I felt sleep wash over me, closing my eyes I nodded off. I didn't know how long I was out until I awoke to Taishero running his fingers through my hair, humming softly, I heard what sounded like the TV in the background. " Morning lovely..." He whispered as I slowly sat up.

" Hi... How long was I out?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes, stretching and popping my back.

" Not that long, about an episode of my show. Aizawa called you." He said and I nodded.

" What did he want?" I asked, rubbing my eyes fighting against my yawn.

" Wanted to invite you to the kid's cultural festival. Says he also wants to talk to you about something." He told me, a small smile formed on his lips. " Didn't sound too happy with you though." He mused.

" Oh?" I asked.

" Muttering something about leaving things out that happened in America about his daughter." He said and I winced.

" Damn it..." I muttered. " Of course she spilled the beans..." I muttered gently flopping down onto his chest and stomach area.

" They are her dads. They have a right to know." He mused and I nodded. " Hungry?" He asked me and I jolted upright nodding happily.

" Please, also when is the festival?" I asked.

" Within the next few weeks, I won't be able to attend, but you should go." He said and I nodded.

" I'll call him in the morning." I muttered and he nodded, " Thank you Tai." I whispered.

" Always." He muttered pecking my cheek, then got up picking me up along with then headed to the kitchen.

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