Twisted Hearts

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Lionblaze stood in horror in the center of the clearing, he had no idea what to do. Firestar's death had left his mind completely scrambled.

His eyes darted around the clearing, trying to find any cat that might be able to comfort him.

Cinderheart was coming over to him, but somehow Lionblaze got the feeling that she wasn't the cat he needed right now.

He saw Cinderheart freeze and send a cold look to a cat, Lionblaze assumed, was behind him.

"Hey," Lionblaze jumped at the soft mew. Mostly because he hadn't expected a cat to speak from behind him, but also because he hadn't heard this voice sound so, for want of a better word, friendly in such a long time.

Lionblaze turned to find Heathertail standing behind him. She didn't look hostile, like she had any of the other times he'd seen her over the past moon. She looked sad but she still had a small smile on her face.

Lionblaze blinked, this was the Heathertail he'd fallen in love with so long ago, had she really been buried for this long?

"Heathertail?" He asked nervously, he half expected her to explode at him again.

"Lionblaze, I-I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for the way I've acted around you..." Her mew trailed off. "It was uncalled for, even if you did attack my mentor..."

"I should have believed you!" Lionblaze blurted before he could stop himself. "About you not telling Windclan about the tunnels, I mean." He whispered.

"It was a reasonable assumption..." she whispered. "I heard Firestar died... is that true?" Heathertail mewed in her soft, from the heart, voice.

"Yeah..." Lionblaze whispered. "Did your Clan lose anyone?" He asked, something in his heart hoped the answer was no.

"Ashfoot, she was like a second mother to me..." Heathertail mewed, her voice fell away in grief for her lost clanmate.

"I'm sorry," Lionblaze comforted in the best way he knew how.

"I'll see you around..." Heathertail whispered, before rushing off to rejoin her clanmates.

Lionblaze was in shock at how such a brief conversation with Heathertail could make him feel so much better about the situation. He had even felt some of his old feeling for her come back. Or maybe they never left, just waiting for the right time to show themselves.

But no. She had made it clear for moons on end that what they had was over, even if she was being friendly again. They were from two separate Clans anyway, it would never have worked.

"Hi, Lionblaze!" Lionblaze jumped for a second time at Cinderheart's loud mew.

Cinderheart's loud mew was a shock after spending some time hearing Heathertail's soft mew.

Lionblaze had a feeling that maybe Cinderheart wasn't the best cat to seek comfort with, she was always loud, he used to love that about her, but now... now he found it slightly disconcerting.

"Hi Cinderheart!" He tried to match her happiness. Lionblaze suspected that he failed miserably.

"I saw you were talking with Heathertail, I thought the two of you didn't get along?" Cinderheart asked, her tail was twitching in a way that made Lionblaze very worried.

"Yeah we caught up. We've decided to put the past behind us, so I think we're on good terms," Lionblaze mewed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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