Chapter Eighteen: Angels of Death

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A whole nest of semitransparent, glowing white lines snap out of my head, the back of my neck making a sharp click. "You're seeing Big Mama mind control your sister on the astral plane!"

Malik's jaw drops. "What's coming out of your head?!"

There's no way they'll listen to me about Jesus unless I kill their fake family first! They're really deep in their minds, as usual. I absolutely hate territorial spirits' mind tricks! It would be so much easier if I could just portal them to safety!

I send my web of white threads straight at Big Mama. They hurtle through my rainbow shield like it's nothing. It looks like light rays bending in hyperspace, streaming from my head towards the demon's. She pulls her clear needles out of Kiara with the sound of steel shredding. My mental cables bang against the demon's skull with a thud that makes me wince.

My spirit snaps against Big Mama's mental defenses like a mouse trap crushing a little rodent body. She darts backwards in midair, her gently hissing, transparent threads trying to slap my white threads away from her head. But my strings cut through her translucent yarn like bright scissors. I slam my mind against hers invisibly, not in a physical way but in a way that's much more real.

Black tendrils, skinny as pieces of hair, try to pierce my mind from behind. Whirling around, my glowing cords slice away Big Daddo's skinny tentacles. His gaping mouth full of fangs sparks against my shield directly behind my head. I close walls of energy spikes around his thickly shielded spirit, shredding away the first layer of his defenses. His shadowy, gray body blurs away from our bubble so quickly my eyes can barely track him.

Big Mama thrusts her mind wires back through my rainbow wall. They tear into Kiara's spine, causing her to squirm and cough up thick, bloody snot. I shoot my mind wires through the brilliant, white waves of hair on her scalp. My brilliant lines form hooks at the end. I pull with every ounce of willpower in my body and soul. Her mind is caught on my fishhooks. I splice the ends of my lines into multiple hooks per line. Her barely visible, bloodstained spirit rips halfway out of her convulsing body.

Big Mama tries desperately to pull the upper half of her spirit back into her body. I slowly increase the pressure of my lines, like I'm reeling in a big fish. Except in this case, it's a Big Mama. She tugs her clear wires out of Kiara again, leaving Kiara gasping and her eyes fluttering. The demon wraps her threads around my fishing lines. I send razors swirling down my lines that slice through every one of her flimsy cords.

Big Daddo flies right over my bright wires and tries to slice them with his claws. No matter how hard he tries, they flash harmlessly through and cut nothing. The spot on my forehead where my mental lines are reeling in pulses in a massive headache. The pressure is so intense my brain feels like it's going to be crushed.

Big Mama's spirit's thinly visible lips silently scream, her real lips even more gray than usual. I deeply frown as I drag her spirit towards me. She doesn't dare move her body away, because if she did her spirit would come out of it completely. My scowl ripples my forehead so much my skull aches. I rip the demon's spiritual waist out of her physical waist.

Big Daddo continues to fruitlessly slash his claws through my mental energy. Doesn't he know that won't work?! He was just attacking me with his mind a moment- Big Daddo sheaths his claws with black threads on top of his normal energy shield. Before I can react, both sets of his massive claws hack through my mental lines. They snap back into my head with immense force. It's as if I just got clunked on the skull with a sledgehammer. Ow-ow-ooow! I stagger backwards against the wall of my bubble.

Big Mama's spiritual illusion of muscles relaxes as her ghost snaps back inside of her body. She flashes over to the ceiling of our bubble, right above my head. Her claws gash into my shield, ripping off the top layer like the peel of an onion. Big Daddo throws a mass of black wires at us from the gray flesh stretched thin across his bulbous skull. My white strings carve them up and cast them back at him.

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