Chapter 3 Innocent love

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As fifteen year old Atlas fell to his knees, soft tears pouring down his cheeks, he was sobbing like a pathetic child.

Meanwhile sixteen year old Alice was wrapping in a pink towel watching a boy twice her size sob.

She looked confused and her eyes widened in shock, she took a step towards him, her eyes softly widened.

"'s okay"

She spoke in a soothing soft voice as she got on her knees besides him, softly running her hand through his raven-black hair, his pink cheeks covered in sloppy tears.

"Look at me, look at me"

She spoke in a demanding yet sweet voice, putting her hand on Atlas' chin, she could feel his teeth chattering as she looked down at him.

"I-I.." he let out a soft whimper as he looked away, she forced him to look up at her, her skin was shaking

"What do you mean you're afraid of women?"

He stood up and pulled away, putting his face in his elbow, he was whimpering and looked away.

"I..I was my ex"

He let out a soft sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest and his cheeks turned red, he was clearly shy.

She frowned, she saw his small, trembling face, she felt bad, she softly pulled him into a hug

"I'm sorry for yelling"

She wrapped her arms around him, her soft slime hands gently running up and down her back, her nails softly scratching it, she was trying to comfort him as he began to sniffle and wipe his tears away

"I-it's fine..I...I'm just afraid, ok?"

She nodded understandingly as she looked down at him, she softly smiled, her skin had a warm like honey glow with a soft yellow hue, her eyes were a warm brown like wet dirt on a quietly rainy day, she softly placed her hands on his cheek.

"Do you mind me asking what happened?"

"My ex..her name is Amber. She..she was always so kind when she wanted to be. But other times she got violent, she screamed, she choked me, she made me scared for my life"

His voice was trembling yet he with her. After his ex he was terrified of women. Do you know how hard it is to be afraid of HALF the world?

She wiped her hand along his cheeks, she was soft, sweet, caring, and her skin smelled like a warm vanilla coffee, she had a motherly like tone to her voice as she spoke to him

"Oh darling.. I'm so sorry, it's okay"
She spoke gently, with a strange mutual understanding between the two.

"My mom didn't help..she..she just didn't care" he softly whispered, tears filling his eyes

"What do you mean?" Her tone became serious as she looked into his eyes, her eyes were narrowed and her brows were furrowed as she waited for a response.

"She.. uh. She blamed me I guess. She always said "well what did YOU is wrong!" Or "why don't you apologize" she told me I deserved it"

Alice's eyes widened as she listened to him speak, he was just an innocent boy who was dealt a bad hand.

She sighed and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back and softly humming and whispering

"Hush little baby don't you cry"

Her voice was soft and sweet, he felt his cheeks turning red, and he said something he hasn't said to a woman in many years

"I feel safe with you"

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