Chapter twenty-two: Home Heartbreak.

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Alice felt a warm feeling in her chest as she held atlas close to her, embracing his thin frame with her fingers as she nuzzled her head into the back of his neck, she was holding him so tight he couldn't move.

Atlas felt panic rising in his chest, as her cold hands began to violate his body, touching and grabbing every inch of his body, and he couldn't even move. She grabs him tight and his chest is being pushed into his arms, he can't fight back.

"This is amazing. This is great. Being here. With him. With Atlas, MY atlas"

She thought to herself as she continued to touch the petite boy.

"What is she doing? Why is she doing this? Alice? This can't be real. Alice wouldn't do this. I'm gonna cry. I'm scared."

His thoughts were racing through his head, running 140 miles per hour, but his body was paralyzed with fear.

What could he do now? He was trapped.

Alice smirked as she allowed her hands to travel down his waist, she began to slowly pull down his trousers, slowly and carefully she pulled his trousers off and threw them at the end of the bed, ignoring the way they fell to the floor.

"This is perfect, this is exactly what I wanted, I know he must like it to. It's just me and my Atlas now."

Her hands now caressed against his bare thighs, a light smirk tugging on her lips as she began to kiss atlas's neck while rubbing his thighs.

Atlas was paralyzed with fear, and in this moment he was trapped, he wanted to scream, to cry, he was terrified. He felt betrayed and violated.

His best friend, doing such a violent thing to him, he couldn't imagine why. Yet she was gentle. She didn't hurt him, she allowed her hands to gently trace his thighs.

"please stop. Please. Get away from me"

He screamed in his head, he wanted to scream out loud but he couldn't, there was a lump of fear swelled up in his throat, it felt like it was choking him and he couldn't breath.

He closed his eyes, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks.

She noticed his tears almost immediately, she shook her head and moved her hand to his cheeks, she softly kissed his cheeks and wipes away his tears.

"oh baby no don't cry. It's okay."

She whispered in his ear lovingly as her hands now began to run through his hair, she cooed and whispered into his ear, trying to make him feel better.

"You're safe now Atlas, it's just me..."

She whispered softly, her hands wrapping around him and pulling him into a tight hug, she began to pull off the sweatshirt he had been wearing, throwing it to the floor, now here he was, alone and in his boxers.

Atlas gasped and whimpered when she pulled his sweater off, he finally broke from his fear induced trance and wrapped his arms around his exposed chest and stomach.

He laid alone, half naked and vulnerable, he didn't know what to do, he still couldn't scream, he still couldn't fight.

His eyes opened slowly, narrowing at the sight of Alice who has just thrown his sweater onto the floor, she pulled him close again, and he couldn't fight it, they laid there silently for a moment, she rolled his body over to face her, there chests were now pressed against each other.

He looked up at her and felt his jaw tighten and his teeth grit.

She suddenly took his hand, she guided his hand over her waist, and placed his hand in the waist band of her underwear.

She used one hand to hold his in her underwear, the other went to his face, she gently cupped his face in her hand, forcing him to look at her, he felt tears welling up in his eyes, but he was too scared to fight back now.

Alice cupped his face in her hands, pulling his face close to her, she roughly kissed him, as their lips touched her hand traveled down from his face and onto his neck, now pinning him down so he couldn't fight back.

She kissed him again, and again, barely allowing their lips to part for more then a few seconds, she finally pulled away when she became out of breath, she was panting heavily as she looked down at him. Her eyes were full of a loving warmth, though it seemed odd in her hungry eyes.

Her eyes glanced down to his lips again for another moment, her grip still tight on his throat, she held him down and climbed on top of him, her legs wrapped around his body as he was pinned under her, she still held one one of his hands in her underwear.

"Don't you worry Atlas, I'm gonna take care of you, I promise. You know how much I love you, don't you?"

She leaned down and kissed him again, her hand still wrapped around his throat, she then very slowly pulled away from the kiss, her hand leaving his throat and going up to now remove her own shirt.

She removed her shirt and tossed it to the side, she then leaned down and began to kiss Atlas's bare chest. She grabbed his hands and pinned them down as she kissed his chest.

"I'll make sure this is good for you, I promise."

She kissed down his stomach, and then slowly began to pull down his boxers, he was again paralyzed with fear, she watched the tears that poured down his cheeks as she slid his boxers down his thighs and legs, throwing them aside before she continued to assault him, she grabbed him by his throat and pinned him against the sink pillow again, roughly kissing his neck as she growled.

"You like this, don't you? Isn't this what you wanted? You're so cute Atlas. This is so fucking good.'I'm so glad I get to do this with you."

She whispered in his ear as she continued to hold him down.

He felt his heart stop in his chest, and suddenly for him everything went dark, as he had a sudden realization in his head, this was it,

This was his final straw.

The betrayal of her hand's against his skin.

The lies of trust and promise of safety.

He wasn't safe anywhere.

From anyone.

Or anything.

And this was it, the moment he realized he was broken, he was useless.

And if they were going to treat him like he deserved to be dead

Then he would show them what it's like when he is dead.

He closed his eyes, listening to Alice's whispers of attempted comfort and soothing despite her being the one to hurt him, after what felt like hours she finally pulled away, panting heavily, she smiled.

"You did so good, Atlas"

Her voice whispers in his head, he repeated them a few times, he was trembling as he laid in that bed.

She suddenly pulled him close, she now whispered in his ear

"Go to sleep, We'll clean you up in the morning."

She demanded. And so he followed, he closed his eyes and laid his head down on the pillow, still trapped in his arms, but he didn't fall asleep. He laid their silently, his thoughts racing, his body trembling as he held back tears.

Was this what he deserved?

Was this his fault?

Why was his world so unfair?

Who could do this to him? To anyone?

He was safe nowhere, and he was completely alone now.

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