The Mysterious Figure

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Sunlight on river
Through mountains it gently flows
Rays of happiness
                                   ~A random Haiku by me.

A few hours ago - 

Momon POV-

"So this is where that monster is residing," I said, observing the terrain covered with mysterious purple mist. 

"That seems to be the case, Momon sa-n" confirmed Nabe.

"Be careful, Nabe" I warned, drawing out my blades. "We are still not familiar with this world, so we might face something unexpected."

"As you say Momon san," said Nabe as we proceeded into the purple mist, "I will make sure to live up to your expectations."

That being said, just what kind of environment is this? This is no ordinary mist. It is messing up with my sense of direction even though sight is not the only thing I am relying on. Does it have some kind of magic jamming effects? I have never come across such a thing in Yggdrasil. Looking at Nabe, it seems like she is also having trouble coordinating her senses. It would be wise to proceed cautiously.

As we kept on advancing at our pace, we observed something else amiss in the surroundings. 

"The land seems fertile," I said while touching the moist soil. "Despite there being no possibility of any vegetation sprouting in this area due to lack of sunlight and this toxic mist."

Confused by my sudden statement, Nabe finally asked, "Forgive my lack of insight Momon san, I am not able to determine how that information is relevant to us."

"Hmm, That implies this mist is not natural, nor has it been around for long" I explained. "The soil would have been highly intoxicated if this mist had been present for a considerable length of time. It is highly likely that we have walked into an enemy trap." 

As soon as I said that, we heard a soft rustling. 

"Looks like there's someone here," I said, scanning the area to find the source of the noise "It seems as if our friend is quite adept at hiding" I added.

"Allow me to obliterate this entire area with my magic, Momon san," Nabe exclaimed, preparing her spell.

"Wait, Nabe" I stopped her, "First we should-"

Before I could finish my statement, a weird figure wearing a creepy smile appeared right in front of me. Its arms and legs were thin and pitch black, almost like a shadow. Its entire body seemed like a manifestation of darkness, except for its face which looked like a mask wearing a permanent sinister smile. It was staring at me intently with 2 tiny white circles it had for its eyes, two inches away from my face.

Is it using a skill? Seems like it. I would have gotten scared out of my wits if I had seen it when I was still a human, but now-

"Aura of Despair Lv.5"

I signalled Nabe to stay back as I unleashed the skill at full power. It was a contest. Your eeriness or my despair - which is more terrifying? Let's find out.

Our faceoff lasted a few seconds. None of us moved an inch. We just stared at each other, our auras colliding in the background. In the end, the weird mask backed off. Its creepy smile turned into a sad face as it jumped back to create distance between us. 


As soon as it landed, Nabe teleported behind him and unleashed Dragon Lightning

"So it can use 7th-tier magic greater teleportation as well," I remarked as the masked figure teleported out of range of the spell. 

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