The Ghost

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Trickle trickle trickle.

The water flowed in a tiny stream, and trickled down the pipe. Darkness enveloped the area, and the drops of water got mixed into a green, slimy liquid. Then, silence. A deadly silence. 'Is there anyone here?' wondered a little man as he strode through the darkness with trembling feet. 'There?' He saw a shadow and called out, but no response. He took three steps and noticed a dark figure standing beside a wall. It was barely visible. He moved closer to get a better look. 

'Hello? Are you the one who they call 'The Ghost?' I am here to deliver a message.' As the man approached the shadow figure, he felt a sudden disturbance in the atmosphere. 'What is this intense pressure I am feeling?' He looked around, but saw nothing. Believing it to be a trick played by his mind, he looked ahead once again to where the showy figure just stood (or at least, seemed to be.) He was still there. The man brought out his hand and reached for the dark shoulder. 

tap tap

He gently tapped on it to draw its attention. 'Hello there, I- Ah!' An intense pain rushed through his fingers, as if he had tapped on a brunch of spikes. He instantly removed his hand and pressed it to ease the pain. 'What in the-' He looked ahead and saw a tree branch poking out. '... So it was just a tree, and a pointy one at that.' He shrugged his shoulders feeling stupid about this incident, and turned around. Suddenly, his legs froze. His soul felt as if it had been sucked out of his body and his skin paled. The shadow stood right in front of him, his clear reflection visible on the white fog, which was previously invisible to the naked eye. Its bright red eyes glared at the man menacingly, piercing through the darkness like a burning arrow. 

"Weak creature, speak. The ghost allows you. Deliver your message."

"Ah, right." The shadow's eerie voice snapped the man out of it. "I stand here on behalf of my lords. The time of crisis is near, and they have deemed it necessary. Come with me, O great ghost, for the scriptures need your help- Ack!"

Suddenly, the man felt as if he was standing at the bottom of the deep ocean. 'This pleasure... ugh! It's even more fierce than before.' 

"Ghost does not help the weak, especially those of religion and cult. Return back, weak creature, give up on your task and save your life."

"NO! Listen to me, Ghost. Many forces that lay in the dark are beginning to rise. The undead witch in the East, the death man Muradon in the West, and the Dragon Lords who have ruled the world since time unknown; to name a few. The crisis is of utmost danger, and if you refuse to help here, it may spell doom."

The pressure that engulfed the entire area seemed to have lifted all of a sudden. The man took a breath of relief and continued. "I am glad you understood the gravity of the situation and agree-"

"Do not mistake me for a fool!" The sudden shout threw the man aback. "I know those corrupted scum far too well. The crisis comes when it comes. I am not the one to stop it, nor do I intend to. But, oh pathetic creature, tell those unfortunate lords of yours; if they disturb me once again then, it is no crisis they should worry about, but the Ghost himself. For I shall rip their bodies into a million pieces and chase their souls to the depths of hell until the immortal ones take pity on them and beg me to end their suffering!"

With each word that was spoken, the man felt his heart come up closer and closer to his mouth, and at the end, it was almost about to jump out like a scared little rabbit. The heavy fog lifted and darkness was replaced by light. The sun came up once again and smiled down on the scared little man, who was still stuck with fear from what happened a moment ago. For ten minutes, he just looked up and down and all around, and then got up, picked up his bag, and walked away. 

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