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Running away

Sasuke's jaw dropped down seeing the number of desserts Naruto ordered

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Sasuke's jaw dropped down seeing the number of desserts Naruto ordered. Almost the whole dishes were on the table.
"Aren't you eating Sasuke?" Taking a piece of the cake before him Naruto smiled innocently at the frozen Uchiha. Clearing his throat Sasuke grabbed the glass of water infront of him
"No thanks. I am full" Gulping down the water in one take he glanced at the happy blonde. He was eating in amusement.
It must be his first time in a cafe
Resting his head on the elbow above the table Sasuke admired the beauty before him. He was the most beautiful thing in his eyes. The one who got his heart. It all started that day, the day he was vulnerable to the world. But still the one before him protected him. Even though Naruto forget about him he can't let go of him that easily. He appeared infront of him that day like an angel. That's the reason why Sasuke calls Naruto baby angel. Well baby because he was shorter than Sasuke.
"Yoo Sasuke back to earth" Breaking out of his bubble Sasuke saw Naruto wiping his mouth
"You done ? It was fast"
Setting the tissue aside Naruto tilted his head to a side
"Fast? Teme you have been out for a half hours"
Paying the bill both drive back to the office. Since Sasuke had some works to do before the sun set he didn't had time to show around.
"Sorry Naruto. I can show you around another day"
"It's okay Sasuke. I will ask Kari"
Hearing her name his grip on stirring wheel tightened.

When they got to the building Karin was outside with a white head. Seeing Naruto she ran to him hugging the life out of him.
"What's wrong Kari?"
Without replying she hugged him tightly. When it got to a point where he can't breath correctly he tapped on her shoulders
"Kari I-i can't breath"
Pulling away she checked him for any wounds. Seeing her panic he smiled at her reassuring.
"I am okay ane"
He wipped her tears away while she also smiled at him relieved.
While the scene was unleashing Suigetsu neared the fumming Uchiha who had a evil aura around him
"Yo calm down man. You are scaring others" Masking his fear Suigetsu tried to calm him down. But one glare from Sasuke he vanished away.
"Cool down Sasuke" The orange head came to Sasuke. He was the only one who wasn't afraid of Sasuke's glare. Well not every glare. Atleast this one.
"Hn" Taking in deep breaths he tried to surpress his anger. But the smiling Uzumakis before him wasn't helping him. Understanding the situation Jugo or orange head send them to Karin's office. Settling his uneven breaths he fall to the sofa in his office. Closing the eyes he massaged his forehead. Seeing his master's discomfort Jugo started to massage Sasuke's tense shoulders which made him ace.
"What's wrong master?"
"*sigh* Do you remember our past life? With the greatest highness?"
"Our highness?"
"Hn. I meet him today"
"Where is he?"
"It's the blonde one you saw before"
"No wonder why I felt like I know him before. If you meet him then what's with the tension?"
"I just- I am afraid. Afraid that she would take him away from me, like how they tried to seperate us"
The past memories made him clutch his pist into a ball.
"Karin? So he is her pumpkin"
"Why do you think that she would take him away?"
"All this time his presence was hidden. If it weren't for yesterday I won't know about him. What if she do it again? What if she hids him from me? After the death of my family I am afraid. He is important to me. I can't lose him again. If Itachi know about him his life is in danger. Tell me Jugo what should I do?"
"Oh master is so protectiveof him"
Hearing Jugo's muffled giggles Sasuke smiled.
"Yes after all he is my princess"

Meanwhile in Karin's office Naruto was following the pacing red hair with his eyes while sitting on the soft couch. She was again walking around the room.
"Not this shit again" Hearing Naruto she gasped dramatically
"Naru no swearing"
"Hai mother"
Seeing the worried look on Naruto she sat beside him wrapping him in her arms.
"What's wrong ane? You have been acting like this since today morning. Is anything wrong?"
"Nothing Naru. I was thinking about visiting uncle"
"Uncle Nagato?"
Hearing the happiness evident in his voice she laughed. It was the only thing she could think of. Senting Naruto away from the town. It must be dangerous for her life but she values his life more. He was just an innocent one who doesn't know the dark side of this cursed world. He was just a white soul without any stain. And she doesn't plan to dirt him and not by a psycho monster.
"Aaa sorry. How about today pumpkin?"
"What's with the rush ane? Are you that excited to meet Yahi?"
"Shut up idiot" Hitting his head in a playful manner she tried to hid her red face. Naruto always tried to make her embarassed. And she always fell for it.
"So she doesn't hit me alone " A new voice joined them from the door way. Turning around they meet a man showing off his shark teeths
"What do you want Suigetsu?" Karin asked clearly evident that she was annoyed
"Yo there little one. Nice to meet you" Ignoring her he walked to the confused blonde. Extending his hand he shook with Naruto's in a greeting manner
"I am Suigetsu. You must be tomato's pumpkin?"
"Hm Sui. I am Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto shake their hands in the same way
"A nickname already. Interesting"
"Leave us alone water head" Karin glared at him while holding Naruto. She didn't believe anyone. Not even the walls. It's Sasuke's place and you can't predict where else he placed a camera.
"Calm down Karin. I won't tell anything to him" Putting his hands up in a surrendering way he smiled. Hesitatly she let go of Naruto and walked upto him
"You better be truthful. Or else I will kill you with my own hands" She whispered in a low voice. Naruto walked towards them seeing the pale face of Suigetsu.
"What's wrong Sui?"
"It's nothing Naru. Well let's go" Quickly putting on a smile she dragged Naruto outside. Naruto waved at the frozen white head while going. Well he was too frozen to even move.
While walking Karin felt a intense glare on her and turned around to meet the hunting black eyes. Sasuke was watching them from the balcony. His eyes were too cold that send shivers down her spine
Maybe I should also go with him
Averting her eyes to the beaming blonde she smiled sadly
Sorry Naruto. If only I could protect you. No Karin. You can still protect him from Sasuke. You have to believe in your self
Taking his hand she ran towards her car without knowing that the cold black eyes has changed into red ones.
Bursting through the door Karin wasted no time to ran to her room and start packing. In between she yelled Naruto to pack his boxes too. Knowing that it wasn't good to talk back Naruto also packed his boxes. After packing she informed Nagato about the situation and he immediately arranged a private jet for them. How can't he? Since he has tie in mafia world he knew how dangerous Sasuke was. And he wasn't ready to lose his two nephews.
"Let's go Naruto. You ready?"
A car stopped infront of their house. Placing all laggage inside Karin locked their house. It hold many memories but their life more important than it. Seating beside a sleepy blonde she sighed in relief.
Bye devil.
While the car was moving away from the house a dark figure came out behind a tree. Taking the phone he dialed a number and placed it in his ear.
"Boss they went"
Cutting the phone Sasuke throw it across the room startling Jugo who was beside him in process. Slamming his hands on the table hardly he roared angrily.
He throw the documents on the table away. Seeing the scene Jugo tried to near him but his dark red eyes glaring down his soul stopped him. After destroying most of the office he settled down in a corner. Pulling out a small hairpin from his pocket he stared at it.
"Why? Why are you going away from me again? WHY?" Finally realising all his frustration he clenched the pin his hand
"No matter what I will find you again baby angel"

~Thanks for reading~

Fact of the day:Karin's heal bite ability surpasses both Sakura's and Tsunade's byakugou

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Fact of the day:
Karin's heal bite ability surpasses both Sakura's and Tsunade's byakugou

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