Kushina's diary

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This is a filler episode. It will give you an idea how Naruto has Uchiha blood despite being an Uzumaki. It also contains a part of Sasuke's and Naruto's childhood. So let's peek into Kushina's diary 🫣:

𐙚𓏲⋆ ִֶָ ๋𓂃 ⋆ᡣ𐭩


Dear diary,
Today I got to know that I couldn't get pregnant. It was an heart breaking news. After leaving hospital Minato insisted to visit a park for clearing our mind. He told me many times that it doesn't matter to him and he will always love me. But I know how much he likes to have his own family. I am so unworthy for him. What's the use of me  if I couldn't even give him a baby? As we were crying and talking under a tree a blonde boy came near us. He looked at us and ran away. I was confused by his strange behaviour. But few minutes passed and the same boy came near us again. This time another raven haired boy was with him. He was tightly grasping the blonde's hand. The blonde one slowly came near me and gave me a flower. He smiled at me and show me the fighting sign. I understood that he was trying to cheer me up. And it really warmed my heart. Soon I saw that  they ran away to the near by orphanage. It made me sad that they didn't had anyone to themselves. I turned to Minato to say something but he nodded his head like he knew what I want. I smiled at him and walked to the orphanage holding his hand. Yes I have planned to give them a house for their own and maybe they will accept us as their parents.

We enquired the receptionist about the two childs. She told me that the blonde one was Menma and the other was Sasuke Uchiha. She also told that Menma was found abandoned on their door step so they look after him from the beginning of his childhood. Sasuke was found injured by Menma one day. So they also took him under their care. I was so touched by their kindness that I even shed tears. She was panicked but Minato said that I often become a drama queen and not to mind me. Like hell I am a drama queen! He did face my wrath at home for that.

Anyway we told that we would like to adopt them both. They hesitated a while because Menma was so small for adoption but after a few promises they allowed in the end. And like that I got my both kids. We brought them home today. Menma was visibly happy but Sasuke continued to be grumpy. No problem I will change him soon. I love my little family very much

Naruto:3 years old
Sasuke:6 years old


Dear diary,
Today we decided to change Menma's name into Naruto Uzumaki. It was the name Minato's father decided for our son. So we named it to Menma cause he didn't had a surname. I also found out that Sasuke is the son of my friend Mikoto Uchiha. Sadly she was murdered brutally. Her first son Itachi is still not found yet. Police suspect that he is the murder. I hope he is not. My family is having a good day. I hope it goes like this forever.


Dear diary,
Today I am very very happy. Naruto said his first word which is mama. I am on cloud nine. Hehe Minato was sulking for hours because of it. I could rub it on his face from now onwards. I feel like I am the luckiest mother on the earth. Sasuke still doesn't speak to us. He always stay with Naruto like a body guard. I also notice that he always calls him angel. I wonder why! Still I haven't given up on my try to make him comfort with us. Fighting!


Dear diary,
Today my sister and brother came to visit us. Sister was very happy to see my kids. I felt like she became  a kid, running around trying to catch them. I am happy that she accepted them easily. Nagato seem very angry about something. He was very cold towards me. I never expect him to treat me like this. He was always so happy to spend time with me. He also left soon after seeing my kids. I hope he didn't dislike them. But it doesn't matter that much. I will always protect them even if the world is against them.

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