Lovely Rita

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Paul walked slowly in a seemingly nervous manner. He was about to walk by the place he dreaded most—in the best way possible. What didn't make it any better is that he was with everyone else, who were probably some of the most famous people on the planet at the moment.
He immediately caught sight of a meter maid. The meter maid.
"So, Paul, I see you've been fancying that lady over there, eh? It's quite visible to us all lately.  You tend to get all nervous and shaky when we come by here," John spoke in a slightly mischievous tone.
"I know that's not all you have to say," Paul murmured.
"Yeah, it wasn't. I'm just trying to encourage you to go for one of the most lovely people in London!"
Paul buried his head in his hands, a tint of red on his face. After a few seconds, he finally looked back up.
"I'll only ask her out if George and Ringo agree. Is that a good compromise?"
"I say you should do it," Ringo unexpectedly chimed in, a grin on his face.
"I agree with John," George said quietly, nearly in a mumble. Ringo gave him a look as George said that, as he was the one to agree to Paul's meeting of the meter maid right after John, almost like George completely ignored him. He knew it was a joke, though, but still wanted to play along.
Paul sighed deeply in frustration, his breath trembling as he shook his head.
"Well, Macca, I'd go with you if you'd like. I've already met her before, her name's Rita. Quite the sweet woman, I'll say."
"Is this just you begging to chat with her, or are you actually being polite?"
"A mix of both," John smiled.
Before Paul could respond, John began once again, "Oh, what could I ever do without you, good Paul McCartney of Liverpool? What would I do without your wisdom? Will you please allow me to come to your quest of winning that fair maiden?" He asked with an exaggerated dramatic tone, placing his hands on Paul's shoulders in an almost pleading way.
"As long as you don't mess up my experience, sure."
John's face lit up as soon as those words exited Paul. He took one hand, placing it around his shoulders, and forced Paul to run with him.
They reached Rita in a matter of seconds, rendering Paul speechless from pure shock from the speed that he managed to run at, and the fact that he was seeing the woman of his dreams.
She was currently, in a bland matter, filling out a ticket in a little white book. Across her shoulder was a white bag, and a matching in color cap. Paul mentally noted that she seemed much older in her cap, but didn't exactly know why. She had reddish curls, in which he admired greatly. However, he was mainly focused on her bright red lips. The sight of them made his heart skip a beat. 
"Hello, Rita. I'm with my friend, Paul. He'd like to chat with you for a bit," John greeted, audibly attempting to suppress a smile.
Paul gave a short wave, "Yeah, uh, hello, Rita. Would you like to have a dinner with me? You seem quite busy in your job, so I'd like to give you a chance to relax."
"Sure. I'm off work around 7:30. Which restaurant?"
"The one directly around that corner," Paul pointed out.
Rita gave a simple nod, "Well, see you in two hours."
"Goodbye, Rita."
John and Paul turned away, yet a new energy was in the latter. A feeling that he'd accomplished the greatest thing to possibly accomplish. The two skipped back together, arms now around each other's shoulders.
"I did it!" Paul exclaimed, balling his hand joyfully into a fist, slightly bumping it across his chest.
"Yeah, we saw you. You looked tremendously in love," George said in response.
"So, got a date planned at all? You look cheerful enough for that scenario," Ringo asked, a hopeful tone to his words.
"That's exactly what's happening! I'm going out at 7:30! You all can come to my place if you'd like, I need that extra energy."
"I think she's looking at you over there, Paul," John observed. Paul whipped his head around to see Rita winking at him. He turned back around in slight embarrassment, blushing heavily.
"You've won her, Paul! Now, you just need to express your love!" George smiled encouragingly.
"Can only hope that she feels the same way for me!"
"Eh, she probably will. How could she resist a Beatle? We're the most charming gentlemen around here, isn't this lot of us?" John confirmed, enthusiasm in his voice.
"So, shall we go now, fellas? I need to make myself look presentable for such a lovely lady."
"Yeah, we all need to quite mucking about and make this man a suitable husband!" John yelled jokingly in a slightly raspy voice.
Paul chuckled at John, and started walking away, attempting to signal to the others to go with him. He then sped up into a run out of his pure energy and excitement in the moment. He looked behind him to make sure they were all following, but noticed an absence of John. Paul slowed down, searching the road to the right of him.
"John's slipped off," Ringo observed, shrugging.
"It's John, he's probably fine," Paul reassured. He continued walking, quickening his pace a tiny bit.
In only a matter of moments, Paul saw John sprinting back from across the road, a bag in his hand.
"What've you got in that bag, John?" Paul asked out of curiosity.
"You'll find out," John responded in a slight murmur.

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