A Day In The Life

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John flipped through a newspaper, slightly disinterested until he found a certain article. A man had suffered incredibly severe head trauma and died in a car. He didn't notice that the lights had changed. However, John just had to laugh at the man's unawareness to his surroundings. To die in such an unpredictable way. It was still rather sad to John, but he couldn't contain a small chuckle. In the photograph, a quite large crowd of people simply stood and stared at the sight. He couldn't blame them for it, the event would be very intriguing. Someone reported in the article that many had seen his face before, but were unsure as to where they had viewed him. Some even thought he was from the House of Lords in the Parliament.

John decided to see a film that day. The English Army had just won a war in it. Most people left mid-film due to the topic, but John was prepared for it. He'd already read the book that the movie was based on.

Paul woke up quite suddenly, descending out of his own bed. He brushed his hair quite quickly, and made his way downstairs. Paul proceeded to make himself a cup of coffee, but noticed that he was late for work. He grabbed his coat and a hat, rushing himself to a bus.
Paul arrived quickly at his studio, and went upstairs to where the band would be, taking a cigarette out of his pocket. As soon as someone spoke, he felt in a nearly dream-like state. Paul didn't fully comprehend his morning at all, but the words that were spoken made him oddly aware of his surroundings.

John attentively read the newspaper of the day. 4,000 potholes had been counted in Blackburn, Lancashire. The potholes had been rather small, but people were required to count how many there were. It was estimated that the amount of potholes there were could fill the Albert Hall.
John looked up as Paul approached him, unexpectedly late for a song recording session.
"So, where've you been?" John questioned.

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