Chapter 14

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'What did Yassen mean?'
The question kept reapeating itself in Alex's mind unwillingly while he shifted into a more comfortable position in the bed.
After his small conversation with Yassen, Alex had gone straight to the room he had earlier woken up in, and there he was, lying on the bed, trying to get the stupid conversation out of his mind. He needed an escape plan and fast. Alex didn't know what the assassin was planning but he did know it was not something good.
Alex was on his side, facing the wall.His stomach growled, and Alex already regretted having refused dinner. But hey! What if Yassen poisoned the food? One is never too careful.
A chuckle alerted Alex of Yassen's presence. Alex tensed. He hadn't even heard the assassin arrive. Either he was too engrossed in his thoughts, or he was losing his touch. ...Or Yassen was way too professional for him. Alex decided it was the latter. After all, Yassen has been in this business for what?... eighteen years?
Anyway... Alex sat up and looked at the man, raising an eyebrow. And that's when Alex realised something. Yassen chuckled! He has shown emotion!
"Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Yassen asked.
"I am sure," Alex confirmed. He wouldn't let his guard down so easily. Yassen just shrugged and left the room, as gracefully and quietly as he entered. However, a few seconds later, he was followed by an extremely bored spy. Said spy decided to visit the house, and he already knew where he would start.
Alex pushed opened the door, which was surprisingly unlocked, to the office he had first (since he had woken up) seen Yassen in, and looked around before opening the bottom drawer of the only desk in the room. What? He was a spy! He looked at the files, one by one, uninterested.
However, the date on one of the envelops attracted his attention. It was about three years ago, during the Stormbreaker mission. Alex took the envelop, opened it, and what he saw on the paper there had been inside surprised him. There were only three words, in capital letters which said: KILL ALEX RIDER, and a silver scorpion was at the bottom of the paper.[A/N: I know Yassen had received the message on computer, but go along with it.]
I have no instrunctions concerning you.
That was what Yassen had said. It was just a lie. Yassen was to kill him, and not Sayle, yet he killed Sayle to save him. And at once, Alex decided to trust Yassen. Not with the mission of course, but with food (Yes, he was serious. And anyway, if Yassen wanted to kill him, he would be dead long ago).
Alex put the paper back in the envelop, and looked at the other files/papers in the drawer. And yet another date caught his eyes. The date of the day just before his uncle's death, to be exact. He took it and was about to open it when Yassen asked, "What are you doing?"
Ugh, couldn't that guy make at least a tiny little noise when he arrived? Alex looked at him. He was leaning against the doorframe.
"Looking at those files...?" Alex ended up forming his answer into a question, while holding up said files.
"And may I ask you why?"
"You may."
"Why ?" Yassen asked, unfazed by Alex's response. Alex was annoyed. He didn't show it though. But seriously, didn't this man have a sense of humour?
"You invited the spy, Yassen," Alex said. Yassen just shook his head [not to deny anything. Just at Alex's... spyiness? (Yes, I know it's not a word, but I can always say spy-ish-iness, even if that also is not a word) ].
Yassen motioned for Alex to leave the office. The latter huffed." Yet you don't let him do what he usually does," Alex said, but still left, not after one last look at the envelop on which the date of the day before his uncle's death was, though. Yassen sighed, and locked his office.
He followed Alex into his living room. "Coffee?" Yassen asked. Going with his decision of trusting Yassen with his food, Alex nodded.
Minutes later, the two were seated, drinking coffee. The silence was broken by Yassen. "What happened when you went to SCORPIA?"
"Well, let's just say they tricked me into working for them and tried to kill me afterwards," Alex replied. The latter wondered if Yassen knew his father had not been an assassin. He said he had saved his life because of his father, but did he know the latter was not the person he thought he had been? Alex knew he would be taking a risk if he told Yassen the truth about John Rider, that Yassen might feel betrayed and kill him, but he knew if someone deserved to know the full truth, then it  was Yassen. "Yassen... What you told me about my dad, well... he was not who you thought him to be. He was a s–". Alex was cut off by Yassen," spy for MI6, I know." If there was something Alex was not expecting, it was that. "I knew since about two weeks after we were partnered together."
Then, why...? "You said you didn't kill me because I am the son of John Rider. Then why did you kill Ian? He was his brother."
Yassen looked at Alex straight in the eyes.
"I didn't kill your uncle, little Alex."
A/N: Ok guys, I swear that Yassen and Ian are the only two persons I've asked Nico Di Angelo to bring back from the dead.

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