I hate you.

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Alessandro Enzo Benardi

"Pedro, Mail me the files" I ordered grabbing the keys out of the First drawer of my Desk "Also, Check on the shipments"

"Yes, si-" I walked out of my office and straight to the garage, I have to go to Noah's college again because he was bored and thought it will be fun to pull the fire alarm.

Before sitting into my Black Ranger rover I received a call, from my younger brother "Yes, Gio?"

"I need you to sign the shipments"

"I'm heading to Noah's college"

"Again?" I sighed "What did he do this time?"

"Pulled a fire alarm because he was bored"

"Oh, that's it?"

"That's it? Seriously Giovanni? I'll put fire on his ass this time"

"Leave him this time, He won't do it again"

"That's what you said a week back, I'm gonna spank him so bad that he won't pull out a thing like this next time"

"I'm serious Alessandro, Don't spank him-" I ended his call.

Giovanni always saves his ass from me. My dear younger brother needs his ass to be red from time to time to not pull out things like this. I had to cancel my meeting for the fourth time this month because I had to visit Noah's college. The only reason, he's not kicked out of the college is because I donate a big share of the amount to his college every month.

I was driving to his college when I saw a Teenager running away and two men were chasing him, The Teen had a broken cuff in his left hand he looked really small and malnourished
I decided to help him because his body posture was showing how scared he was and I'm sure they are going to catch him, he looked like he will pass out any minute.

I stepped down the car and caught the Kids hand, he was trying to lose my grip from his hands but he couldn't and I didn't even hold it tightly. His eyes were covered by his hazel bangs and his face looked pale with bruises covered on his hands and hand marks on his face.

I noticed tear marks on his face, "Don't worry, you are fine" I said softly than I expected, No one hears that tone, except my Family, my brothers. He didn't believe me but stopped shaking with fear.

"Look Men, give the kid to us" I heard the voice and turned around to look at the scoundrels who were chasing the boy.

"What if I don't, huh?" I said in my usual deep dark voice

"You won't like the consequences," One of them said smirking and pulling out the gun

"Oh trust me, I'm sure you won't be here to show me the consequences" I replied smirking

One of the men came running to me and he was held back by one of the many bodyguards who was now surrounding those two bastards

"What the hell? Where did you get these giants from?" The men seethed

"Are you sure that's the correct way to speak to the Capo of the Italian Mafia?" One of the guards asked him and he genuinely looked like he wanted to know the answer

"I-ita-Italian Mafia, Ca-Capo?" The other was shaking with fear

"You know what to do," I told my bodyguards and turned around to the kid they took those men to the warehouse

"Are you okay?" I asked, crouching to his height, he was small compared to my 6'8 height

"Kid?" I shook him slightly, he lost consciousness and I was quick to hold him.

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