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Alessandro Enzo Benardi

After the Shopping i dropped both of my younger brothers home and went to the warehouse.

Once i made it into the warehouse while passing the way to my office like everyday everyone greeted me with bowing their head and i acknowledged it with a nod, I went into my office to find Gio waiting for me

"How was it?" He asked, indicating shopping

"It went well" I replied sitting at my seat at the head

"Hmm, Noah?" He asked, he actually meant 'Did Noah behave'

"Nothing i can't handle" i replied honestly

"About the meeting i had earlier, They still did not find anything, the kidnappers are very well hidden, I'm sure they are related to a gang or mafia because only then their trace can be vanished so smoothly" he said

"We will find them no matter what, No one can live peacefully after hurting my family, especially my brothers" i said

"Another research team has also taken part in finding them, I'm sure we'll find them soon"

I heard a knock on the door, "Come in" I said

Pedro entered with a man, He looked in his 40s a little chubby with a short height.

"Good afternoon, sir. This man is here and he wanted to talk to you" Pedro said and i raised an eyebrow at him

"He said he wanted to talk to me and you bought him inside?" I asked

"Sir-" "Get out, Pedro with this" I looked over the guy "whoever is he"

"Yes sir, sorry sir" Pedro apologized and held his hand taking him out but the man jerked his hands and ran towards me in a swift motion Pedro raised his gun at the man

"Stop or I'll shoot" The man stopped in his tracks, turning around fear visible in his eyes, he then turned toward me

"Mr Benardi, I'm here to apologise on behalf of my son, he didn't repay your money and your men held him captive today" The man cried out "Please let him go, I'll pay your money as soon as I can" He sat on the floor bowing his head to me "Please, Mr Benar-" I shot him on the back of him head as his forehead was touching the ground since he was bowing.

Pedro looked shocked but he quickly came out of the shock, "Next Time don't just bring anyone in my office" I stated

"Yes sir, I apologise"

"Clean this up" I ordered indicating the guy "Gio, I'll be in the other office if you need me" He nodded and i left the room

The man whom I shot dead a minute ago is not an innocent men, he came here to take his son so together they can rape more women's out there, Bastard.

He's lucky he got killed by me.

For the rest of the day at the warehouse i did my pending work and did some meetings. It was not around 5:30 in the evening so i decided to go home to have dinner with my brothers.

It's very rare that i eat dinner with them, I am usually busy at work, The mafia, The restaurants  and the companies there are too much to look after but since Lucas is home i think i need to give him some time.

Since our so-called father left, I had to work really hard and learn many things to provide for my brothers, then when i finally learned to manage things properly i still didn't stay much at home because of Noah because he probably hates me and didn't want me around but now i have to be there for Lucas.

Lucas is really innocent from what I've observed about him in the past few days, he'll probably take his time to open up to us and get used to living with us, I'm trying to not make him overwhelmed.

Noah, I don't know what's in his mind regarding Lucas, He doesn't seem to hate him and I'm sure he loves him too but he doesn't even seem to like him. I can see he's pushing Lucas away just like he did to us, but Giovanni didn't let him do it and well Dante is a different story.

Dante, he tries his best to be there at both sides, He wants to hate me and blame me for their father's leave just like Noah but he at the same time is trying to understand my situation and not blame anything on me, unlike Noah. He's confused, he's just going with Whatever's happening.

It's okay to be confused, you don't have to pick a side if you are not ready for it. Something is just out of our control and it's fine.

Lastly, Giovanni is the one who everyone likes, he's there when Noah needs Someone to rely on, he's there when Dante is confused he is also there when i need help with things. I'm sure it won't matter to our brothers if I leave because Gio will manage everything for them. I'm so proud of him. 

With my thoughts howering my mind i reached back home, I first check up on Lucas who was sleeping and then i went to see Noah with the present i got for him

I knocked on his door "Come in" i heard his groggy voice

He was lying on his bed with snacks all over and a laptop probably watching Netflix, he eyed me up and down "What brings you here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Can't I come to my brother's room?" I asked back

"Well the last time i checked, you didn't bother to come and see me" He said shrugging, it's not like that brother, I've just been busy taking care of the expenses so that you could live in luxury but i kept quiet

"Well, I'm Here now" I said, taking a seat at the other corner of his bed

"Anyways, what brings you here?" He asked sitting up on the bed facing me

I handed him the box which was packed nicely, he took the boxs and looked at me and then again at the box, "Is it for me?" He asked

"What do you think? What am I doing here?" He's so stupid sometimes

He carefully opened the box and looked inside to see the new air force jordans which is yet to be launched

"Damn" He eyes was shining and he had a beaming smile on his face, in excitement he started jumping "OMMGG!!! SANDRO! I LOVE YOU!!" he hugged him in the excitement and said the words which i didn't hear since our father leaving

I hugged him back immediately taking in all the love which he is giving me at the moment, this is all i need my brothers happiness and their love.

"I'm happy that you like it" I whispered, we were still hugging

"Like!? I loved it!!" He said pulling out, Noah is a big fan of shoes, you name it and you'll find it in his shoe closet. He has a whole room full of his shoes, his babies.

Our eyes met after he pulled out of the hug and the realisation hit him about what he said and did at the moment, he looked embarrassed and i could see different emotions in his eyes.

"Uhm- Thank you" he said going towards the door "I'll go find, Gio" he said getting out of the room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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