Ch.5: My Great Escape and New friends

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(A/N:Hey Everyone how's it going? Thank you for the reviews and votes. Means a lot. A special shout out to "HollyZ0" for encouraging me to make this sequel happen. If you guys have any ideas for the story and the characters leave them in the comments. And they may get used. Thanks again. And have a safe and fun weekend. On with the chapter.)

(Liliana's POV)

Once I was sure Phoebus was asleep that night, I packed up what little clothing and money I had into a bag.
Locking my bedroom door, I slipped on the bag, made sure Wanda was secure in my arms, and flung open my bedroom window.
The two of us quickly crawled out of it. But on our way down, I scraped my leg in the process and could feel the cut beginning to bleed.
Not taking the time to look at it, I held onto the things I held dear and turned to begin running away from the cottage.
Suddenly Wanda began barking like crazy and jumped out of my arms.
I gasped as I felt the familiar pain of my hair being pulled.
"Do you think I'm an idiot Lily?! I knew you were going to pull a stunt like this!" Phoebus growled as he tugged on my hair even harder.
"Let me go you bastard!" I screamed before spitting in his damn face.
He groaned in disgust, but let go of my hair. When I felt his grip finally release, I took off running and made sure my puppy was right behind me.
"Lily! Get back here!! I'm all you have now!" Phoebus screamed in the distance, but I didn't dare look back at him.
But I knew better, he was stronger, faster, and could catch up to me no matter how far I went. Quickly hiding behind a tree, I looked up and saw a loose branch. Pulling it down, I held it firmly in my hands and waited for my brother to get closer.
"Lily! I tried to make things right with you! But you just had to make things worse! How could you even let a dirty old man like him even touch you?! If you had any sense you would realize this isn't love! This is lust and he's disgusting! That thing growing in your womb is not a part of this family! It's a sin from God!"
I came out screaming and knocked the living hell out of him with the tree branch.
My brother fell to the ground, blood was pouring from his mouth and a deep cut was forming on his nose.
"Stop talking about him like that!! He's shown me more love and comfort than anyone I've ever known! You have no idea what your talking about! And stop saying my baby is a mistake! He or she is a blessing from God!"
With that said I hit him one last time across the face knocking him out cold.
Realizing what I had done, I dropped the branch and ran away from my unconscious brother.
A part of me felt extremely guilty for his current state. But I knew that if I hadn't done what I did just now, my freedom never would have come.
I ran for another 3 miles until I was completely exhausted and out of breath.
In the distance I could see another cottage, I forced myself to walk over to it and knock on the door.
I knocked twice before falling to the floor. My vision began to blur but the last thing I saw was a young woman with beautiful red hair and two little girls with blonde hair behind her looking absolutely terrified.
(The next morning)

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a soft bed. I looked around and found myself in a room I had never seen before.
Outside the bedroom door I could hear the sound of Wanda's paws scraping on the floor and little kids laughing.
Opening the door, I was greeted by the same woman I saw last night. She smiled at me and handed me a cup of tea.
"Are you alright dear? Please come sit down, we thought you would never wake up."
She said as she lead me to her kitchen table.
"I'm Angelina by the way, those are my girls Adeline and Allison over there. And what might I ask is your name dear?"
"Liliana, but you can call me Lily" I said in a shy voice.
"Nice to meet you, now I don't mean to pry but could you please explain to me why you and that puppy of yours were outside my door last night? You scared the living hell out of us."
"It's...kind of a long story" I said looking down at my cup of tea.
"I'm here to listen" she said holding my hand assuring me that I was safe.

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