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My rating is


Lyrabon is one of, if not the most popular MLP ship
Honestly, I feel like this is just people trying to self insert and feed their inner lesbian, because this just feels like such an empty couple. I know a lot of people say it's good because it's a blank slate so you can kind of do what you want, but that's my problem. I need things to work with. Also the way this became a ship is so dumb... Because these two are always together... What. The. Heck. Two characters being together a lot doesn't mean they're "In LoVe". But NOPE. Nothing can be platonic in this world. That's like people ship the mane six together and these two random ponies together. The only time these two actually got shippy moments was after Slice Of Life, and that was just for fanservice, so to me it doesn't count. Besides, Lyra is better off with Noteworthy

It's visually cute, but that's it

It's visually cute, but that's it

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