12 - SOE

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August 20th, 1944: Near Marigny

~Y/N Pierson~

I stood at the edge of a transport vehicle, helping Daniels and Zuss unload weapons crates. We were supposed to be teaming up with the SOE, British special forces. Today seemed like a good day, the weather was pretty good and I hadn't seen Harding at all.

Talking to Robin... It really helped. I'd been keeping that trauma and pain bottled up in my soul for so long, it began to eat away at me. It felt like a huge weight had literally been taken off my shoulders. I was very glad that he had... albeit awkwardly... asked me to date him. He was such an amazing person, I was surprised he didn't have anyone back in Chicago.

"Something big's happenin'," Daniels remarked. 

Zussman watched as Colonel Davis led Turner and Pierson to the command tent. "Gotta be. Davis is here."

Even though we technically weren't supposed to be listening in, we did anyway. They'd just repeat the information to us later, so it'd be nice to get a head start. As we stood there unloading crates, Zuss placed a hand on my arm. I turned to look at him, smiling for a second.

Davis looked back at the two who were following very closely behind. "We've received intelligence from the Resistance about a German train carrying V2 rockets for an attack on Paris refueling near Argentan. That gives us just enough time to move our team into position. It must be stopped. You proved yourselves in Marigny, which is why you'll get the opportunity and the privilege."

Turner looked down at the map and then back up at Colonel Davis, saying hesitantly, "Thank you sir, but this seems like a job for more than one platoon."

Davis nodded, "That's why I'm teaming you up with the SOE."

So that's what we'd be doing. That actually sounds pretty... yeah that's not going to be fun. A horn honked as a jeep carrying two British operatives pulled up. They hopped out and walked towards the three. 

Turner raised his eyebrows at the jeep and chuckled. "Looks like you two caught a bit of it."

The two who walked up were of a reasonably tall height. They both had dark brown hair, the man's cut short and the woman's hair was wavy and reached down to her shoulders. They both looked almost as though they'd come straight out of a film or something. I narrowed my eyes; it would definitely be nice to have another woman here, but not if she caused drama like most seemed to try to do. 

"Don't worry Lieutenant. We saved some for you." He shook hands with Turner and Pierson. 

Davis continued. "Agents Vivian and Crowley will lead the operation. They've been working with the Resistance for months and know the terrain well. You'll defer to them."

"We heard about Marigny. Impressive." Vivian. She had a romantic accent, proper and slang-like almost. 

True to form, I almost started laughing my head off when Pa responded with. "I can't take all the credit."

Turner stared at him and responded with. "Just doing our job." Almost apologetic.

Crowley smiled and then exhaled. "And a fine job it was, but a warm-up I'm afraid."

Crowley handed a picture to Turner. Daniels slapped my arm, beckoning for me to help unload some more crates. I had been just staring at them, and Vivian caught me watching. She looked shocked but smiled at me.

"Look, this is no ordinary supply train. It's a fortress on wheels. Our Liason in the Resistance, Rousseau, will provide support if possible but attacks on their network could mean  we're on our own."

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