Chapter 2- New Neighbor

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I looked out my window at the morning sun and sighed contentedly. I sipped my coffee slowly, enjoying the taste of French vanilla. Right before swallowing the warm liquid, I looked out the window and almost choked. Stepping out of a moving truck, was the most sexiest man I have ever seen. I drooled watching him move boxes in his house, watching the way his shirt rode up when he bent to pick a box up, how his shirt molded to every muscle in his chest and back. My body, now feeling warm and tingly, had a strange reaction to just looking at the man. Imagine if he actually touched me how my body would react. As I played scenes over in my head of him touching me, kissing me... No! Stop this, Emily. You don't even know him! But that didn't stop my mind from wandering to that place as I watched him. After I finished my coffee I took a shower and got dressed. Taking longer on my hair and clothes than I ever really have before. Since Eva was with her aunt for the next 4 days, I figure I could try to find a man who is not an asshole and a cheater. Maybe meet the new neighbor. As I stepped out into the sunlight, I noticed him look over. I smiled and waved and walked over.
"Hi. I'm Emily."
"Hi Emily. I'm Adrian."
"i just saw you moving your things in and thought I'd stop over and introduce myself."
"Well you're the first. Thanks for coming over."
I smiled wider knowing that I was the first to meet him.
"Well I've got to get to work and I should let you finish unpacking."
He nodded. "Thanks. Won't take much longer. Maybe I can stop over tomorrow and we can have coffee."
I smiled. "Sounds great. Just whenever in the morning. I won't have to work until 2 in the afternoon."
As I walked away, I could feel his eyes rack over my body. I gave an extra swing to my hips.

The diner was crazy when I arrived. I quickly picked through my tables, getting so caught up in my work.
"Hi! Can I start you off with something to drink?" I asked without looking.
"I told you I'd make this up to you."
My eyes shot up to see Jake sitting at the table. And not alone. A woman with dirty blonde hair sat next to him. Too close I might add. She glared up at me and her lips formed a snarl. That made her look very unattractive.
"And making it up to me involved bringing the woman you've been sleeping with?"
Jake looked shocked. "Em, I haven't slept with her. At all. You have to believe me."
I laughed. "I'm not doing this right now. I'm working. Goodbye Jake."
I quickly strode away into the crowd before he stopped me.

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