Chapter Three

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"Lady, you must wake up," a soft, feminine voice urged as I felt something cool and wet press to my forehead.

Some part of me felt ready to wake. Another part, however, refused to let me surface fully from my sleep, leaving me partially aware as compresses were put against my forehead and my chest, and a sweet, soft voice started to sing soothingly to me.

It was that song that started to pull me fully awake.

In a strange room I had never seen before.

A grand room, for certain.

There were stone walls and windows with heavy drapery pulled to the sides to let the light in. Carpets covered the floor. And a massive fireplace was directly across from the bed where I was settled.

A large bed, too.

Meant for three or four people, surely not one.

There were heavy, expensive bedsheets. Quilts and furs of the finest quality.

There were chests and armoires around the room, but the space was large enough that they did not seem to crowd the space.

"There you are," that same sweet voice called making my head turn on the pillow to find a woman standing at the side of my bed.

In my old home, the servants had been there since before I was born. Older ladies had been the ones seeing to the needs of the house.

But this woman was young and beautiful with long, dark hair pulled into a thick single braid down her back which left her pretty face on full display.

It was heart-shaped with a gently pointed and cleft chin, but dominated by large, deep brown eyes with more lashes than I had ever seen on someone before.

"You gave us all quite a fright," she said, giving me a soft smile as she dropped a rag into the bowl on the table beside the bed.

"Where am I?" I asked, trying to sit up, only to have the woman press a hand to my shoulder, keeping me flat.

"You are at your castle, lady," she told me. "You have been quite unwell for several days. What do you last remember?"

I could not tell her that I had memories of being held in Warwick's arms in the back of the carriage.

Surely, though, those were fever dreams.

"I last remember getting ready for bed at an inn," I told her.

"Yes. That is when your guard said you suddenly took quite ill. They rushed you back to the castle to be seen by the physician. I have been looking after you ever since. My name is Gwenllian, milady. Gwen," she clarified. "I am your lady's maid."

"It is nice to meet you," I said, trying again to push up, only to be held down. "How long have I been unwell?"

"It has been four days, milady," she told me. "We have been quite worried. I was told you were from a warmer land, and likely caught chill from unsatisfactory conditions on your journey."

That did sound about the way of it.

"I have never been so cold," I admitted. "Like I would never be warm again. What is it?" I asked as Gwen's face went a little worried.

"I do not wish to trouble you, lady."

"Is being unprepared not worse?" I reasoned.

"It is just that this is early spring, milady. It has been warmer than usual lately. The winters are colder and harder for sure. Do not fret," she said, sitting down beside me to place a delicate, fine-boned hand on top of mine. "You are the queen. Everything will be done to keep you comfortable. Besides, summer is on the way. Many things to look forward to."

The Winter Queen (RH/Why Choose, MM, MF, MFM, FF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now