Chapter Thirteen

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I had never experienced snow like the storm we had gotten caught in.

Despite having Warwick there with me, I had been sure we were not going to make it, that the cold was going to get me before we could find shelter from the wind and snow.

I should have known that Warwick would move heaven and earth to get and keep me safe.

Right up and past propriety.

Thinking only of me and my well-being.

Which was why it was so inappropriate that I could not keep my greedy gaze from moving over his nearly bare body when he removed his clothing to try to keep me warm.

And even more inappropriate that as I sat back against his chest, all I could seem to think about was having his hands move down my body, slipping between my thighs.


I had to stop thinking of such things.

The problem was, just when I had decided to put my mind to other things, the cloak had started to fall.

I reached for it without thinking.

Then his big, strong hands were sliding over my breast.

Desire shot through my system, a sensation that seemed to take over me little by little until every inch of my body was humming with the need for more, for everything.

I had proven insatiable since coming to the castle. I found myself constantly craving the touch of Gwen, of Cyprian. And, though I did not admit it to myself out of fear of what it might say about me, Warwick as well.

He told me to tell him to stop.

But I could not find those words.

Even though I knew I was supposed to.

That was what was right.

But right to whom?

In many eyes, the arrangement between my husband, myself, and Cyprian was wrong. As was the intimacy I shared with Gwen.

Besides, who would ever know?

If no one would ever know, no one could ever judge.

This was our secret.

So I shifted ever so slightly, allowing his hand to cover my breast more fully.

A savage curse escaped him as his hand flexed on my breast.

Then his fingers were closing in, squeezing.

Warmth spread through my chest, down my stomach, and between my thighs, making me forget all about the chill I had been so consumed by just moments before.

Sucking in a deep breath, I pressed deeper into his palm, seeming to draw his attention to my hardened nipple.

His hand shifted, his forefinger and thumb rolling my nipple until I let out a soft sigh.

"Warwick?" I called, hearing the breathlessness in my own voice.


"More," I demanded softly.

A growling sound moved through Warwick as his other hand moved out, closing over my other breast, working both of them for a moment before one of his hands blazed a trail down the center of my belly, pausing for a moment at the triangle above my sex, waiting, it seemed for any sign of objection.

The Winter Queen (RH/Why Choose, MM, MF, MFM, FF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now