Chapter Seventeen

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Perhaps, in the future, I should insist that Gwen not dress me until my nerves were "calmed" by the men in my life.

Their hungry hands practically tore at the expensive fabric, bunching it up, creasing it.

I fretted about that for a few short moments before the dress, and everything underneath it, was on the floor, leaving me completely bare to them as they started to work their own clothing free.

I never stopped thrilling over the sight of two men stripping in front of me, baring their strong chests, their muscular stomachs, their trunk-like thighs, and their straining cocks.

Warwick's hand moved out, closing around Cyprian's cock, making him let out a shuddering breath.

"I want to watch," I told them both, watching as their heated gazes slid to me.

There was hardly a pause before Warwick started to stroke Cyprian, his movements fast, purposeful, exactly what Cy wanted in that moment.

"Fuck, I need your mouth," Warwick hissed after a few moments, wetness beading up at the tip of his cock, begging to be licked off.

Cyprian dropped to his knees, sucking Warwick into his mouth, making a shudder course through him as his hand went to the back of the other man's head, holding him there as he started to rock into his mouth, into his throat.

Cyprian made small gagging sounds, but that did not stop his hands from slipping behind Warwick, digging into his muscular behind as Warwick continued to fuck his mouth.

"Fuck," Warwick groaned, then yanked at Cyprian's hair, forcing him to pull back, his cock slipping out of Cy's mouth with a popping sound.

He reached for the both of us in unison, pulling us with him toward the bed where he pressed Cy flat on the mattress.

"Ride his face," Warwick demanded of me. "But face me," he added, holding my hand as I straddled Cyprian's face, but backward, lowering down as Cy grabbed my thighs.

My gaze was on Warwick as Cyprian's tongue found my spot and started to work it relentlessly.

I watched as Warwick watched for a moment, his straining cock getting thicker, it seemed, with each passing moment.

Then he was lowering himself down at the foot of the bed and sucking Cyprian's cock into his mouth, making the man beneath me jolt.

I watched as Warwick worked him as Cyprian also drove me up.

"Fuck, I can not wait any longer," Warwick hissed as he reached for me, grabbing me, and tossing me onto my back before surging inside of me.

There was nothing careful or sweet about the warrior above me right then.

He was hard, rough, savage as he fucked me.

Cyprian leaned over me, sucking one of my nipples into his mouth as his hand went between my thighs, helping to drive me up and through the orgasm that had me crying out and arching off the bed.

"I need to feel her," Cyprian groaned as he stroked his cock.

Warwick slid out of me, moving up the bed as Cyprian surged inside of me.

"Open your mouth for me, baby," Warwick demanded as he knelt near my head.

My lips parted, and he slid inside. Holding my head, he rocked himself into my mouth, going deep, his cock hitting the back of my throat as Cyprian started to fuck me. Harder than usual.

The Winter Queen (RH/Why Choose, MM, MF, MFM, FF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now