Chapter 1

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It was like a million lights dancing through the air. One golden orb turning trillions of lights on in the city. It was a sight you could see forever; to put on pause and just watch. Each minute a new dance was held. For them, it was like dancing among the stars, one dance for each smile they saw on each other. It was the beginning of something new, and hopefully to last forever.


The pencil hit the wooden table, neatly put among the many different pencils with various thicknesses and colors. Each showed wear and tear to a certain degree, some even sharpened to a small size that it would be hard to normally hold in a hand. The paper was picked up from the desk with care. On the paper, it held scenes ranging from heartfelt moments to action-packed scenes. It was only one paper with one short story that was read in barely a few minutes. But Yui held it up while smiling at it.

A simple creation, costing a few minutes of reading, took a week to create. The story, the scenes, the text. It resulted in a single-page story for a newspaper that people may or may not even read. But Yui felt a prideful warm feeling in her chest. And a hope that people will enjoy it, whoever it may be. Her creation was put in a file folder before being put safely in a drawer, lights turned off and soon she fell back on her bed.

This small room of four by eight meters was her home. The only haven where it was orderly and neat is the working desk Yui used to draw. That is not to say her room was a mess, well, it sort of was. Clothes were scattered to an extent over the floor, several discarded packages were near the wall where the door is. And the opposite wall of her bed and desk is covered with a black blanket. Close to the blanket to the left of it, it held a small kitchen. There never was enough time to clean it yet even Yui knew it was just an excuse. So she kept it to a minimum of one to two times a month to clean her humble abode.


Yui ignored the sound that resonated from her window. The soft feeling of her feather cushion surrounded her head. Her legs spread over and dug into her mattress. It was heavenly to feel her bed after hours of bending over her desk to make these stories. A wishful sigh left her to let her mind take her to dreamland.


"Aargh!" Yui shouted into her cushion.


"Fine! I am coming, Gwen!" Yui shouted.

"Finally! I was running out of stones to throw," a loud voice said from the other side of the window.

With a tired groan, she dragged her body out of bed. Her feet scraped over the carpet floor, to get back to her desk. She flicked the desk light back on and took out the folder.

It was always the same thing on Friday. She finished her story around eight in the evening and Gwen would tick on her window to read it. Calling it a privilege to be the first and to give feedback. Yui appreciates it but could do with some sleep to relieve the back pain she feels at the moment.

"Alright, here it is!" Yui utters, holding the folder up in the air, "You're aggressive this evening, Miss Stacy."

Gwen stood leaning on the hand railing of the fire escape. The golden hair was pulled into a ponytail and she looked amused to see the tired Yui holding the folder. The dark-haired neighbor was again up early and working late. That was the usual Friday for her. For as long as she has been living next door.

"Stop it with the 'miss', Yui. I am not old."

"Only when you stop harassing my window," Yui muttered, stretching herself out to the fullest to hand the folder to Gwen.

"What was that?" Gwen asked.

"I said, I hope you will enjoy it!" Yui says with a smile.

"Thanks," Gwen smiled back taking the folder from her. She sat down on the fire escape, a small distance from the window of Yui's room. Her legs were folded into each other to read the newest strip of Yui's creation.

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