Chapter 3

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Yui stared at the model that she made from the various items strewn about in the classroom. The form was complex due to having various shapes and sizes put together. She always chose to do something difficult to practice, just like she is doing now. But her mind was tired of work causing her to daydream and dose off, slowly inching closer to full sleep mode. Not only from her work at the newspaper, but now also from the online studio she made with Gwen.

Whatever Gwen did, she made it popular among gamer circles and fans of trending shows. It started slow, only a drawing once a month with at most three. But after the first few months, it started to become more and more. Word has spread and people were thoroughly enjoying what she made. It made her feel accomplished and happy, but she was swamped with work now. With her studies demanding long sessions in studios and her work still demanding a comic a week. To be honest, Yui was not able to keep up.

"Yui? Are you okay? It is not like you to stare as if you're sleeping with your eyes open."

The artist looked up at a man with glasses. His face was always the same no matter what he did with his face. Smile, scowl, or any other expression, it only changed very little on his face. Yui thought it was the wrinkles that held everything in place. It was not a very old person, but definitely someone reaching retirement age. Even so, Yui liked the man. Always attentive and understanding even if he pushed his students to excel.

"Sorry, I am tired from work..." Yui breathes out looking down at her sketch pad. It held a drawing, the beginning of one at least. She chose to draw a woman this time. It was what the tired mind did without even thinking about it after seeing the figure in front of her. It was by far not done and even she could not figure out who it is supposed to be.

"You look like the definition of being tired," Victor chuckled, looking over her shoulder to the drawing, "You have started and that is good enough. Why don't you go home early."

"Shouldn't I be further along...?"

"Well, I don't think you will get much further. Just take care of yourself and try to fix this work situation. You don't want to find out where it will lead. You've been a star student, Yui, but this is not healthy for you. Trust me, I have been there," Victor gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before moving to the other students.

Yui sighed deeply. He was right. She could barely focus on her work at the moment. Without complaining she packed everything, took a picture with her phone of the model she made, and walked out. As she walked out, she dialed her friend. It took a few seconds, the beeping rhythmic sound of her phone trying to connect. After a few seconds, she heard the voice of Gwen coming from her phone.

"Yui? You okay? I thought you were at your uni for another two hours."

"Yeah... I am too tired to focus and left early. Are you free? I'd like to talk with you about our business venture."

"Sure, I am free. You can pick me up if you like so we can go home together."

"Sure, still at school?"

"I am reading on the grass in front of the school. I will wait for you. See you in a bit."

"Alright, see you in a few minutes, Gwen. I am on my bike, so you'll probably hear me coming," Yui says with a chuckle before ending the call.

When she exits her school, she turns towards the direction of the garage. The only really expensive and valued item she has is her grandfather's motorcycle. Even if he was not born in America, he did become a fan of Harley-Davidson pretty quickly. It was an older model she inherited from him, but with additions to make it more suitable for her life. She was the only one in her family to show interest in his hobby. It caused him to leave the bike for Yui after his death. Yui was eternally grateful and studied to quickly get a license to drive it.

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