Chapter 35

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seeing biscuit leave one thing lingers on her mind

*How did she find me?*

one week later

after repeated raids of Ironblood she gets some more data and sends Biscuit a message to come to her store we see her walk in


biscuit: hey aunt what ya got?

pulling out an envelope she responds

"two things, this and a question"

biscuit: ok then

"how did you find me?"

biscuit: well I found you because if I wanted to hide from azur lane I would do it were they would least expect it and you are very notable

"hair and eyes?"

biscuit: yep

suddenly we see bismarck walk in with her sister tripiz

"hello, how may I help you today?"

we see Tripiz look between Biscuit and bismarck a few times before  starting to browse

Bismarck: I was seeing if you have any bulk items?

"I do have it what do you need?"

bismarck: snacks

"that's a fair amount I guess for a break room?"

bismarck: yes it is

"give me a sec"

we see piorun go into the basement and we see Tripiz approach biscuit 

tripiz: hello

biscuit: huh oh hello

tripiz: so whats your name?

we see a look of fear on biscuits face before she answers 

biscuit: emma

tripiz: I see

biscuit: whats yours?

tripiz: tripiz

biscuit: nice to meet you

tripiz: you as well

we see tripiz walk over to her sister and whisper to her

tripiz: that kid looks a lot like you sis

we see bismarck look over

bismarck: what the blond hair and blue eyes?

tripiz: and the voice but yeah

bismarck: ok then might just be a good friend of marie's

tripiz: maybe

we see piorun walk back up the stairs with a box of snacks

"here you go"

we see Bismarck hand over a few bills with piorun quickly exchanging back the change

bismarck: see ya

"see you as well"

we see tripiz hang around a moment longer before following her sister

"now where were we?"

biscuit: getting the info?

"right, right now got any thing back from the others?"

biscuit: well when I told them I was doing a pick up they told me to hang around for a bit do some sabotage

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