chapter 44

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"What about this pink shirt and those pants with that bracket?" I heard the stylist yell. "Looks good! I want ringlet curls in the hair!" Someone yells back. As people primp me up I just sit there and think about Liam last night. I can make our relationship known to the public again which is something I've wanted to do since that evening we got back together. Just to claim what is clearly mine and no one elses. Yes, okay I'm very much the jealous type but if Liam was your boyfriend wouldn't you be to? that's what I thought. "Apply more black to the eyes." a guy with a million cords wrapped around him said. "So Audrey how have took been lately?" The stylish ask me. "Just chipper thanks!" Just then my phone beeps.

From Gill: good and bad news..

To Gill: Spilllll babe!

From Gill: Cheek, I don't know how to tell you this. well the good news is Zayn and I are together! But cheek I'm in a pickle.

To Gill: FINALLY! I knew something was going on when I saw you snogging on my couch! And baby what is it?!

From Gill: you saw that? how embarrassing... And well um my work wants me to move... To Wales for a year :'(

To Gill: babe you didn't try to hide it and what?! No you can't leave me! Please tell me this is all a joke! I can't lose you!

From Gill: Baby I wish I could :( I got the news this am...

To Gill: I'm coming over asap!

No, how could this happen? My best friend can't leave me! This is an absolute nightmare! After my shoot I drive as fast as I can to Gillians flat. I walk in to see her packing boxes and crying."I um I have 2 days." She says looking at me. I burst into tears as well, "I can't believe this is happening." I say. "Me either babe, but hey I'll come home to you every weekend and we get weeks off and every second will be sent with you!" I cry even harder. there's no way she can leave me. I can't lose my best friend that easily. "I'll come with you!" "Babe, I can't ask you to do that. You've just got your career started and you have a movie." "Gill, we have to keep on touch!" I whisper. For the rest of the day Gillian and I just lay together and talked about all of our adventures and inside jokes.

I woke up the next morning on the sofa with Gillian by my side. I nudged her and she never moved. So I decided to get up and run down the Starbucks down the street. "Hi yes, can I have 2 large French vanilla cappuccinos and 2 chocolate chip muffins and a Danish." I say to the lady working begging the counter. After 10 minutes my food comes out and as I turn to leave Liam comes in. "We just run into eachother everywhere!" I giggle to him when he walks over to me. "Yea, I guess we do. I um went by your house yesterday evening but you weren't there. I was gonna see if you wanted to go out to dinner and talk about yesterday." "Awwah Li, I'm so sorry! I wish I would have known you wanted to come by. Dinner tonight? Your place? I'll cook to make up for it." I see a wide grin spread across his face. Liam always said how much he loves my cooking but with us both always being so busy with our hectic schedules we barely ever got a chance to sit down. I have to admit though Liam is a an amazing cook as well! I wish I could eat his food all day! "I'd love that, just you and me tonight. I also um I have something I want to give you to so that'll be perfect! Audrey, I just want you to know that even though I have my days and were both so busy, I love you so much. With everything I have. It's always been you and always will be." I start to smile. "I love you to." "And sorry if this is a little weird since were standing in the middle of Starbucks but I just thought you needed to know, no matter where we are." "I don't mind one bit. I love you so much and I love it when you say the same." I say giggling and he smiles. "Hey babe, I have to go back to Gillians because she might have woken up by now but I'll see you tonight. Is 7 fine?" "Perfect see you then." We hug then I'm on my way out of the door and back to Gillians where I spend the rest of my day.

Okay so sorry this is short. I'm having a but of a writers block :( Wahhh! The next chapter will be better I promise! I love you guys, got it? Haha

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