chapter 61

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*Audrey pov*

I have 1 more day. I can do this. As I officially pack up the remaining of my stuff I can't keep my mind off of Liam.

I've never been with somebody so perfect in my entire life. The way his brown hair peaks out the sides of his snapback sends chills down my spine and his eyes, oh my god his eyes could make any girl drop dead with just one look but I get to be that lucky girl that stares into them every day . So brown, so beautiful. The way I always stare contently at his mouth, I've experienced the wonders he can work with that thing. The way his lips curves when he smiled. The laugh he has that paralyzed my whole body. His husky morning voice he has that sends chills down my spine every single morning. Everything about him to me is perfect and I can't wait until he gets here and I can just hold him. The way he talks to me and the way he laughs with me. The way he protects me and supports me. The way he makes me feel so safe and at home in his arms. His smell, his look, his laugh, his eyes. Everything about him sent me into a frenzy. The way he supports me and stands behind me in everything I do. The way he saves me with just one glance. The way he saved me. saved me from a world of misery and grief. A world of doing wrong and wild days. A world of nothing but painless nights and selfless mistakes. Liam has done more for me than he will ever even know. Not only did he make my world better by being the best boyfriend that he could possibly be but he really saved me. Paul thought it was all a joke in the beginning but look where we are now. Because of him I've found the love of my life.

The more I sit here and think about everything Liam has done for me and we have been through I stop packing and grab a pen and notebook. I sit on a empty mattress in the middle of the floor and start to plan. Plan our wedding. I want this to come as soon as possible and I know he does to. I sit here and plan all day. I don't stop until Delaney comes in and tells me they're about to head to nandos for dinner. A whole day filled with glory and success. I stand up and gently place my notebook inside of my backpack. I couldn't be more proud of the plans I made for today.

I picked my bridesmaids- Eleanor, Delaney, Cara, Penelope. My maid of honor- Gillian. I decided on the wedding colors of light purple and gray. Purple being Liams favorite color and gray mine. I designed my wedding dress as a quick sketch of a ballgown that's hugging at the top and round and plump at the bottom. I planned the venue and the flowers and everything else I could possible think of at the time. Now all I need now is Liam to come home and tell me what he thinks.

As I walk into the living room to turn the TV off I notice the boys are being interviewed. "...and that should be great." I catch Louis say. "Well thank you for joining me boys. It was a pleasure. But before you go I have one last question that has been burning up the hotlines tonight. It goes to Liam: Do you miss Audrey and excited to finally get home to her?" "Do I miss her." He repeats her, "of course I miss her. I miss everything about her. Her smile, her giggle, the way she walks, talks and dances. Sorry babe of your watching this- it's just so cute. I miss her hugs and always being the one she gets to come home to after a long day. I can't wait to be back to her and see her everyday. I don't like this being many miles apart thing it just doesn't work for me." "Y'all have seen each other though since you've been touring right?" "Of course, just not enough." "What's always the hardest part?" "I'd have to be saying goodbye. To know the one you love has to leave you." "Well one last one- what does the future hold for you two?" "We've talked about it but you never know. I guess you'll just have to find out." He says laughing. "Well there you have it, Liam Payne. Thank you so much boys for coming in. Please have a safe trip back to the UK and enjoy your time off with your families. There you have it ladies and gentlemen, One Direction." The audience starts to clap as the boys stand up, wave and then exit from the screen. I grab the remote and click the power button. watching the once full screen go dull and lose all color.

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