If you're into poem I totally recommended the book "The gift of everything" by Lang Leav
That book really do push me to start writing poems.
Just to let you know I'm really bad at it and I just started like few months ago which would explain my lacking in skill.
You might find alot of grammatical error as English ain't my mother tounge yall. Even if you expect me to write poems in my mother tounge.
I can't I'm really bad at writing with my mother tounge but I'll make it one of my goal to do so.But either way I'll do my very best~
I love putting songs that matches my poem so if you would be so kind try listening to it while reading my poems!
Some might not match cause my ear sometime doesn't work when it comes to matching stuff.My update will be slow as I'am in boarding school and I can only post on the weekend plus I tend to have writer block which is the same case with my art block only god knows how long it been.
Well instead of writing a long boring introduction. I present to you!
"The Memory of Eternity"