Surprise IRL Stream

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We start this chapter with mc walking around while talking to mouse.

Mc: so mouse where to you want to go first.

Mouse: hmmm I don't know yet. ( She says as she looks at the chat )

Chat: "go to the mall" "go to the beach" ( as mouse looks, she sees that chat has agree on two options which is the mall and the beach )

Mouse: how about we go to the beach, we haven't been there in a long time, so it should be fun.

Mc: the beach huh, sure why not, it does sounds fun.

As mc agreed to going to the beach mouse chat goes crazy.

Chat: "woooo beach episode" "beach episode"

As mc starts walking towards the beach he sees something.

Mc: ohhh mouse look at that. ( He says as he points the camera to what he was looking at )

As mc points that camera, mouse sees an amusement park.

Mc: look it's one of those amusement park, that doesn't last long.

Mouse: ohhhhh, let's go there.

Mc: what? I thought you wanted to go to the beach.

Mouse: yeah but I want to go to the park now, we can just go to the beach later.

Mc: fine, it's you're call, if you get bored it's you're fault.

Mouse: yeah yeah now go to the amusement park, now.

Mc: yeah yeah I'm going no need to yell, ( he says as he starts walking towards the amusement park )

As mc and mouse explore the the amusement park, mouse sees something.

Mouse: ohhh mc can you get me that.

Mc: hmmm? Get what?

Mouse: the shark plush, at that balloon popping game.

Mc: really mouse? You know I have sh*t accuracy, hell I can't even can't even hit the broad side of a car.

Mouse: please mc, ( she says in the voice she always use on mc to get her things )

Mc: Jesus Christ mouse, you just don't know what no means, fine fine I will try to get it.

Mouse: yayyy, thank you. ( As she says this chat gets crazy again )

Chat: lol boyfriend definitely conformed. And lol only girlfriends ask there boyfriend to play this.

Mouse: nooo we are not chat stop being weird, were just friends nothing more nothing less. ( She says with a blush on her face, as chat goes crazy saying )

Chat: lol no point in trying now, and whats the blush for then?

Mc: hmm? Did you say something mouse.

Mouse: huh!? No no I didn't say anything.

Mc: huh, ok I just thought I heard something. ( He says as he pays the person for the darts to play the game )

Mouse: wooooo go mc go go mc go. ( She says as chat cheer for mc aswell )

( Ps balloon game rules )
( You get 6 darts )
( Red is 1 point, blue is 5 point, and yellow is 10 point, the balloons gets smaller the more points it's worth )

(  The shark plush mouse wants is Worth 30 points )

Mc: ok mc calm down and focuse ( he says as he focus and the. Throw the dart, hitting a yellow one )

Mc: ok good good a yellow, now all I need is two more yellow or 4 blue.

Mouse: woooo let's go easy victory here we come, ( she says as chat goes even crazier as they spam even more cheers for mc )

Mc: ok mc, focus, ( he says to himself as he throws another dart, hitting a red )

Mc: sh*t, ok bad throw, ok I only have 4 darts left, I can still get 4 blues or 2 yellows.

Mc: ok mc you got this just focus. ( He says as he throws another dart hitting a blue )

Mouse: wooo mc you can do it, were already haft way there, and you still have 3 darts.

Mc: ok just 3 blues or 2 yellow, ( he says as he throws another dart hitting a yellow )

Mc: ok good, very good, now all I need is a yellow ( he says as he throws another dart, hitting another yellow, )

Mc: wooo yessir and I still have an extra dart, ( he says as he throws the last dart, as it hits a blue )

Balloon game owner: good job bud you have a total of 41 points.

Balloon game owner: so what do you want?

Mc: mouse what did you want again?

Mouse: I want the shark plush.

Mc: I will get the shark plush, over there, ( he says as he points at the big shark plush )

Balloon game owner: alright here you go, now you still have 11 points left, what else you want? ( He says as he hands mc the plush )

Mc: hmmm I'll just have that small shark plush over there ( he says as he grabs the big shark plush while he point at the smaller shark plush )

Balloon game owner: here you go, now who's all this plush hmm? Is it for you're girlfriend. ( He says as he hands mc the plush while laughing )

Mc: hahaha I wish ( he says as he laughs along while grabbing the plush )

As mc walks away from balloon game he says

Mc: imma just hand this you're place later ok mouse? ( He says as he waits for mouse to answer )

Mc: mouse?

As mc continues to call mouse, we go to mouse perspective where she is frozen in place with a big blush on her face, as chat goes crazy saying

Chat: lol he said he wishes and lol mouse too shock she froze in place.

Mc: uhh mouse you there?

Mouse: huh? A yes im here. ( She says as chat starts spamming, she back and lol finally she recovered from shock )

Mc: so you wanna keep exploring the amusement park or you wanna go to the beach now.

As mc ask this mouse looks at chat to see what they want to do she sees them spamming

Chat: beach episode time and wooooo beach episode.

Mouse: I'm bored of the amusement park now, let's gooooo to the Beach.

Mc: well you're the boss, so let's goooo ( he says as he starts walking to the beach )

Chat: woooooo beach episode.

THE END. Finale word count-1033
hope you guys enjoyed. From author-san

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