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"Everyone on the ice has been accounted for. Are we at war with the Russians?" Mike asked Tom, as they were walking through the ships halls.

"Get me fleet forces. They don't answer, get me NMCC. They don't answer get me SECDEF" Tom answered, ignoring Mikes last question.

"Supposed to be radio silent" Mike says.

"Not anymore" with that Mike left and Tom kept walking towards the doctors.

"I told you I'm fine, just hurry up" Rachel said to a corpsman patching her side up which appears to be bleeding. "Where's Quincy? I need the samples"

"You don't get your samples until you tell me what's going on here." Tom yelled out, startling Rachel. Elaine walks nearby holding her shoulder and calling over another corpsman, acting distracted while she was really just listening to their conversation.

"You have no authority over me-" Rachel got cut off by Chandler as he slammed the sample box on a table and started talking over her again.

"Everybody out, unless your getting help!" Tom yelled, everyone but Elaine and the corpsman ran out.

"You need to hand that case over to me right now" Rachel demanded, getting up.

"We may have just gone to war with Russia, and they were clearly after you. No more secrets, tell me about the cure" He demanded, Elaine heard it all and gasped quietly, she knew something was off with her. The corpsman gave her the okay to leave and she thanked him and headed out, nodding at Chandler and glaring at Rachel, leaving the room and going to her bunk.

"I can't say anything until I speak to the national security." Rachel said, once again getting cut off my Chandler.

"I swear to god, I will throw this overboard!" Tom said picking up the case aggressively, getting angry and irritated at her. "I want answers!" He yells. She sighed.

"You want answers? Seven months ago, outside Cairo, there was an outbreak a virus of unknown origin. It's genetic structure was like nothing any of us had ever seen. It swept throughout the village, killing everyone that was infected"

"Egyptian officials claimed the outbreak was contained, but it wasn't. Instead it continued to mutate and spread. The CDC and the W.H.O wanted to sample the virus from the victims to create a vaccine." Rachel told him, he put the case down. "But nothing worked. It was my belief that we needed to find the primordial strain. Here in the Arctic.

"The birds" Tom said in disbelief.

"They're just the carriers. They pick up the virus from the melting permafrost we Finally found they're feeding ground." Rachel continued.

"So you have what you need to stop this thing?" Tom said, questioning her and walking towards her.

"I won't know until we get it back to the lab. We're running out of time, the virus back home is moving quicker than any of us could ever have imagined." She continued again.

"How would you know that? We've been radio silent since we left Norfolk." Tom said. Questioningly.

"Because I have my own Sat phone." She said, gulping noticing chandler's face change again.

"We were at EMCON so no one would know our position!" He yelled.

"We were at EMCON to protect my mission....Not yours" she stated. " orders came from the White House."

"Well, you led the Russians right to us! And endangered my entire crew!"

"It was imperative that I stay in contact with the labs back home to keep them informed of my progress. I don't think you understand what we are talking about here."

"Then enlighten me." Tom said sternly.

"When we left Norfolk, the virus was at phase two, limited to small clusters in Asia and Africa. We are now at phase six... global pandemic. 80% of the world's population is infected. The world is sick captain Chandler very sick" she finished.

"Are you telling me the whole world is dying, and they send two people to save it?" He asked in disbelief again which he found himself doing every time he spoke to Rachel.

"It took weeks to convince the government to even send me here. Most of my colleagues think that I'm insane" she stated,

"Are you!?" Tom yelled.

"I told you... that what's in that case might be the only hope that we have." Just before Tom could talk again the door opened, Mike popped out

"Captain, we have the president of the United States on the Vidcom" Tom sighed.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Can I have my samples now?" Tom stepped back and walked off with Mike, leaving Rachel with the sample and watching them leave. Sighing in relief and frustration.

Sorry it's short again, I think I'm going to be publishing atleast once a day every two weeks. Just to fit everything in my schedule easier. Who else hates Rachel in the first season?

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