Je Te Pardonne

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Then I was silent as I looked at Kai. We've to go back to Mystic Falls; they're looking at me. "So, staking me didn't kill you pity" I said. "You must've been in the other prison world. Where my death didn't affect you" I say. "Now by yer vacant expressions I am going to assume you know who I am. My name is Anastasia Jolene Gilbert" I say. "And if I've to compel you to let me in, I will lose my temper" I said. "So, get out of my way, invite me in or we stop playing nice."

They don't let me in, so I compelled them. They looked at me. "I am the only Quinta-Brid in existence do you really think you are faster than I am" I said. The decision to test that theory ended with my biting them. They died quickly sand in great pain. They're dying from a werewolf bite. They're looking at me I was standing there, "Werewolf-Witch-Mutant-Shapeshifter-Original Vampire" I said. "I turned your bloodline" I said. "You kill me you all die too" I state.

They're silent as they turn to look at Lily. "I turned you as well Lily" I made her and them remember. They were silent as they looked at me with interest.

"Your little boy toy Oscar well he's dead" I said. "I ran into him" I pull out the stone they want. "This was on him well would you look at that." I pull out the sword that could kill them. "I found this. So now let's see... where was I?" I ask myself. "Oh right. You're going to let Caroline Forbes go or I'll make a call."

"Julian will be burned to ash" I state. Then I looked at Lily. "And you're going to do this post haste I have a fussy almost 2-year-old that will wake up soon as I am not in the mood to deal with shit from you. You're going to comply" I said. I took Caroline, I am standing there. I look at them, we're silent now. I look at them silently. I waved my hand; then Caroline appeared before she disappeared. We're silent, I look at them. We're standing there together I was silent.

We have our eyes on each other. I am standing with a look at them. We're silent, I stand, I looked at Stefan. Then we're looking at each other, I am worried that was before we defeat and stop Julian. I was standing there. I am leaving I was returning to New Orleans my eyes met theirs. We're standing there.

Madness of the Multiverse... Ready Player Press StartWhere stories live. Discover now