Whose seat is this?

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"Head down!" Mia again commanded the pale as death father, and he immediately put his head between his knees.

"Okay, the next contraction is coming" Mia's tone is once again calm and gentle as she spoke to the panicked woman above her. "Looks like you have a little extra surprise today."

The Maria eyed her in shock, but another contraction hit, and she can do nothing except moan.

"Okay, that was the first one. You've done this before so you're an expert now." Mia smiled encouragingly at her. "You and I got this."

"The next contraction I want you to push." Mia spoke firmly.

"I don't think I can..." Maria started to cry.

"I know you can! You are a strong amazing woman!" Mia continues, "and your children are going to be strong amazing people too! We just need to get them both out here."

"Here it comes. Ready..." The woman's eyes were fearful, but she nodded.

"And..." as the muscles contract Mia commanded again. "Push!"

This time it's happened even faster, and within a few pushes a wriggling baby girl was resting in her hands. Once again assessing her quicky Mia noticed she was slightly blue.

"I'm going to need a warm towel. NOT hot. Warm!" Mia hollered. "Just like you would a baby bottle."

Massaging the little one's limbs gently until a warm towel was passed into her hands, she sent silent prayers.

Mia quickly checked and nodded. "Just right."

Gently using the warmth along with light rubbing, Mia was able to bring the circulation back to the little one, and soon heard the most wonderful sound. A weak but rapidly growing stronger squall.

"That's it, baby girl!" Mia let the tears fall as she exclaimed "Test out those singing lungs! You're gonna need 'em to keep that brother of yours in line."

Grinning up at the mother who was still sweating staring in awe and beaming with pride, Mia turned her attention to carefully wrap the girl in a blanket before passing her to her mother's reaching arms.

The afterbirth came right as expected, and Mia sighed in relief. At least they wouldn't have that complication now. Trying to clean up as best as possible before standing up since she was covered in substances that would freak others out, she was conscious enough to quickly remove her hoodie that seemed to catch most of it thankful for the t-shirt she'd worn under it.

Quickly sanitizing again, Mia had to try a few times to take the blanket from Manager before he realized what she was doing. He was so focused on his job of protection that Mia was again thankful for all his diligent work in taking care of the members. An attendant was there handing another warmed blanket, and Mia gently placed it over Mom and baby. Turning to take the other baby from the flight attendant Mia stopped.

Eyes widening with every second she stared. It wasn't the steady hands of the flight attendant holding little Brian at all... It was... RM?! He was holding the little guy and looking down with such an expression of awe. Surrounding him were none other than Jimin, V, and Jin with Jhope cooing behind them all, and even Suga peeking past concern at who was holding the little one but also switching to grinning like a fool.

Mia stood there frozen in shock again until the little girl started to fuss... The UWU faces of the members was so adorable, and Mia felt her ARMY heart melt into a puddle on the floor right there. But the sound of "little Maria" made her nurse side take over. Knowing the little one was in the best possible care right now; she focused first on the increasingly fussy little girl already in her mother's arms.

Airplane Pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now