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It seemed like Jerry did not remain the only one who'd succumb to his feisty worries as, for the rest of the wondering army, it was more than easy to connect the dots based on what they have witnessed. And, thanks to the lieutenant's obviously visible panic, the majority of said army had participated in the chaos as well. In other words; Tord got the entire batch of his worried soldiers looking for him, keeping them busy throughout the whole day. They've been searching across the entire town, reaching as far as they could just to find him. Some even peeked outside the town just to be sure they hadn't missed a step or two, but it was all useless; all they could find were the trails of half eaten critter carcasses scattered across various streets and its area, posing as some kind of unintentional yet vicious mockery towards their desperate attempts. Once the day began reaching its end, a large portion of the soldiers had given up at this point, leaving the cold rain to wash off all of their remaining dim hopes of finding him. Not all of the soldiers did so, however; there remained a few stubborn heads, who kept on pushing through the search until their freezing bodies demanded otherwise, especially Jerry. In fact, the lieutenant seemed a lot more passionate about finding his missing leader than anyone else in the crew, bossing his fellow comrades around while making the stress and panic even worse for everyone. When most of the soldiers gave up on the search, there were only three left; said weary lieutenant, his just as concerned lover and the little, somewhat cheery blonde soldier following them.

"He really is gone." said the little soldier, dropping his jolly facade as he replaced it with a more monotone, almost hopless demeanor.

"DON'T. SAY THAT!" the lieutenant interrupted his worries, "He HAS to be somewhere! He couldn't just vanish like that! We just need to-...look harder!"

His lover sighed, showing off a bit of frustration towards the panicking mess;

"Ugh- Where else do you want us to look, Jerry? We've searched every place he could've possibly run off to. He probably got fed up with us and fled the country or something." his voice sounded a lot more floaty than usual and so did his slight movements as he spoke.

Carl's silly theory had forced a small giggle out of Lucas, it sure had helped lifting up the mood for the both of them, not for Jerry though.


"So you think this is funny?" Jerry hissed

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"So you think this is funny?" Jerry hissed.

"Relax, hun. Keepin' it all gloomy won't solve anything, you know that."

"Tseh-..Yeah! You're right!..It's not like it's THAT serious, ey? Y'know, our weak, potentially sick leader had gone missing and we've been busting our asses trying to find him for the whole fucking day without a single glimpse of hope of finding him! But yeah, sure! Let's just not take this seriously in the slightest! Let's just goof around and laugh about it!"

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