Withered Narcissus

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8:40 PM; It was a cold, gloomy night. The continuing raindrops could be heard gently tapping on the glass of his window; the only thing he saw was his reflection longingly staring back at him with those tired, teal blue eyes as he tried to watch the natural shower drop, desperately hoping it would soon come to an end. Considering he had nothing better to do that night, he just let himself sit there by the glass barrier, with his whole apartment being full of nothing, but the rain soaked silence. He looked away for a second, letting out the somewhat of a soft, empty sigh before switching his attention to the smooth red floor below him, running his hand through his unkempt ginger hair. It was true the following two weeks had left him feeling a lot more deflated and exhausted since he let the gloomy presence of the rain creep up on him, letting his unwelcomed melancholy do all the bidding. Though despite all the pessimism poisoning him, he had hoped every night to just go to bed, sleeping it all off and waking up to his brand new, better self greeting him at the door. But unfortunately..

No matter how stubborn and naive he tried to be..

..Said happiness would never come back for him.

Only the dull, heavy feelings of fatigue viciously crushing him down.


3 hours pass by; the rain might've calmed down a little, but it sure hasn't stopped. Matt slowly opened his eyes before he registered his surroundings; he seemed to have fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV again. His bored, gloomy low energy remained still; not weaker, not stronger, but not good either. Those heavy gray feelings have been keeping his limp body on the couch for some time. His mind was still present though, filled with nothing but grainy, empty rain clouds. It was quite a fight to get out of bed, but after a surprisingly short whiled struggle, his pale, lanky body finally got up, wiping off the dry sand from his eyes and slowly dragging itself towards the bathroom. When he stumbled across his reflection however, he felt..


Normally he would return a smile to it and spark with confidence after reminding himself of his natural beauty before heading onto his evening routine with all the shining excitement he would gladly hold onto

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Normally he would return a smile to it and spark with confidence after reminding himself of his natural beauty before heading onto his evening routine with all the shining excitement he would gladly hold onto. Not this time though; all he did was give it a weak, pathetic glare, hoping a single glimpse of happiness would glow up in him and put him back in his roots, but it just left him feeling empty just like everything else these days.

"...What is wrong with me..?" he whimpered out a whisper into the emptiness, wondering why he can't get himself to feel a thing lately. 

It's not like he's never felt this way before, no, he had definitely faced such feelings previously in his life. But for it to be this bad and go on for over two weeks? This was definitely a new encounter and not a very pleasant one at that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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