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I woke up bright and early with the sun shining right through my window ughhh I groaned I don't want to go to school I say to myself I got up and got ready I put on something simple, jeans and a regular top putting my hair into a high ponytail I then grabbed my glasses and put them on grabbing my backpack and the rest of my things walking out the house on my way to the bus stop. After a couple minutes of waiting the bus finally arrived I got on it and found myself a seat, 20 minutes later we arrived at the highschool I walked the rest of the way I made it inside I unlocked my locker putting my things in it grabbing my books as I finished grabbing the rest of my things I saw the boy I fell in love with since kindergarten his name was George michael he was the popular boy and the leader/captain of the football team, as I walk over to talk to him I see a girl from cheerleading come his way and kissed him I was completely heartbroken I wish I was pretty like her I say to myself with a tear rolling down my cheek I knew I couldn't' get him even if I tried I was a  nerd and he was the popular boy, gosh jennifer what were you thinking I thought to myself I decided to walk to class l had to walk pass him so I just put my head down and started to walk accidently bumping into someone

Im so sorry I wasn't' looking I should of been paying attention

No worries are you ok you seem a little sad?

Not really im just feeling insecure about myself

hey just know your beautiful inside and out

Thank you that means a lot

Of course Im allison

Im jennifer

would you like to come to my house later

I would love that I say giving her a smile

Great here is my address see you there also it was very nice meeting you

it was very nice meeting you to and see you there

I can't believe I met a friend I was super excited I started squealing

After that I headed to class, a hour into class I had to use the restroom so the teacher let me go as I was walking in the hallway I bumped into another person but this time he was very tall boy with a mixture of brown and black hair with a varsity jacket on

Im so sorry

Hey don't worry about it he said while smiling at me

Im george and you are


What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl he says

I blushed Thank you

no problem well I will see you later

See ya!

once he left I started jumping up and down in excitement did he just call me beautiful I couldn't believe it

I made my way to the restroom once I was finished I headed back to class

After finishing all of my classes it was finally time to go home I seen allison in the front


Hey I reply back

hop in

I got inside of her car and we drove off

where are we going I say

you will see

A couple minutes later were parked in front of a mall

we grab a couple of outfits and heels we pay for them and head out. We make it back to her house

I'm going to give you a makeover she says

Really I always wanted to do that

Yesss now take a seat

first let's take these off

she tosses my glasses on the bed

let's fix your hair

she takes it out of the ponytail brushes it and then put the hair curlers in my hair

she then let me use some of her skin products to use for my face, I shaved and we even wore face masks

we decided to watch a movie in her room some time later I caught myself nodding off

I should get home

it's night time im not going to let you walk in the dark alone you can spend a night I don't mind she says giving me a warm smile

Thank you I say

she let me use one of her night gowns we noticed we were getting tired so she turned off the tv then her lamp

Goodnight Jennifer

Goodnight Allison


The next morning I decided to take a shower I know it's not my house but she let me use it. After a nice hot shower I got out and decided to put on one of my new outfit I bought yesterday A crop top shirt with a mini skirt with a blazer that looked just like the skirt and some heels as I finished getting dressed a wonderful smell hit my nose it was the smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon I decided to make my way downstairs

Good morning Jennifer you look Gorgeous

Good morning Allison and Thank you for making me feel gorgeous you look beautiful as well

I took a seat at the table as she placed two plates down

this looks amazing I say

Thank you

We eat our food and finish it

Come on let's go do your hair

we make our way back upstairs I sit in front of the mirror she takes the hair curlers out and my curls all bounced down she then brushes it out and give me some bangs she gave me a wavy blowout

Ta da

This is beautiful I love it I say

she then does my makeup a colorful look and she applies lipgloss

I look at myself in the mirror and I never thought this day would come yesterday I was just some nerd who nobody wanted to be friends with now I have a wonderful friend who made me look like something

Thank you for everything this all wouldn't have happened without you

Anytime girl I know what it feels like now let's get going we don't want to be late for school

We head out and make our way inside her blue classic convertible


We made our way out of the car some boys where whistling at us we then walked inside of the school we did a model walk down the hallway everyone face dropped some people where even whispering it felt good I walk to my locker I seen george talking to that other girl Molly ughh we made eye contact for a few seconds and his jaw was on the floor he then make his way to me

Jennifer is that you he says in a surprised tone

yup its me I say blushing

Woahh you look amazing

Thank you

I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me

I thought you had a girlfriend

I broke up with her a couple of days ago because I found out she was only using me

im sorry about that and I would love to go out on a date with you

George Michael One shots Where stories live. Discover now