Chapter 18

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Tay P.O.V

When i came home its already 11 pm
I think Win is already asleep. So i go straight to my room.

After i freshen up i go to bed and dry my head. While drying my head i remember that Win's birtday is in two weeks from now.

I need to plan how to celebrate his birthday. I will ask him tomorrow so i go to sleep.

In the morning

When i wake up its anly 6 am so i ready my self for school. After i finish i go straight to Win's room to wake him up. When i enter i see Win is still asleep.

Bunny time to wake up If you dont want to be late.

Five more minutes plss P'Tay.

No, Bunny you need to wake up now, Or we will be late.

Okay P' Tay

He start rubbing his eyes.

Good morning bunny i said as i pat his head.

Good morning to P'Tay.

Go and take a shower.

Okay P'

Time skip breakfast

So Win do you have palan how you will celebrate your birthday?

Yes P' i think about it yesterday i just want it to be simple, lets celebrate it in here at the house. Our house is big P' so i think it will be okay, what do you think?

If that's what you want who are me to defy the birthday celebrant.

Really P' thank you. And P' i will invite other persons if thats okay?

It okay just give me the names so i can add them to the list.

Okay P' i will give it to you later.

To school~

I will get going P'Tay.

Okay be careful.

I see Win with his friends. So i go straight to my faculty. When i sit OffGun is already there.

So Tay Win birthday is near so where are we celebrating it? Ask Gun.

Win said the he want to celebrate it at the house he want a simple celebration with friends and family.

Tell to Win we will surely come, Gun said.

I know you will. Should i not invite you? I ask.

Dont you dare and for your in formation Win is the celebrant not you. Gun fires back.

True, but i will be handeling the party and the guest? So what do you think?

No you cant do that i will tell you to Win just watch.

Hahaha it so fun to tease you.

Gun will fire back when the professor arrives.

Good morning claas we will continue what we have tackle yesterday. Bla bla bla~

Win P.O.V

We are nowgoing to the cafeteria we look for a vacant seat. When i see P'Gun waving at me so we go straight there.

The Mafia Boss Baby (TayNew & Brightwin)💙💛Where stories live. Discover now