Prologue: The Forsaken Kingdom

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In the realm of Saggitarius, six majestic kingdoms once flourished, each embodying a unique element and bearing the weight of a grand destiny. Among them was Roselia, a kingdom of vibrant beauty and abundant life. But fate, with its twisted sense of irony, had cast a dark shadow upon this once-thriving land.

Long ago, an ancient evil known as Scorpius emerged, its insidious presence infiltrating the heart of Roselia. With relentless determination, Scorpius consumed the light, corrupting the very essence of the kingdom. Its sinister influence spread like a venomous plague, turning the once-bustling streets into lifeless corridors haunted by the echoes of lost souls.As the grip of darkness tightened, the skies above Roselia transformed into a perpetual veil of gloom. The sun, once a radiant beacon of hope, now seemed a distant memory. The kingdom became a place of perpetual night, where the moon's feeble glow fought against the suffocating blackness.

Within this realm of despair, life had become a fleeting breath, and death an ever-present companion. The streets were overrun with venomous creatures, their hissing and slithering a chilling symphony. They feasted upon the remains of the fallen, their grotesque forms crawling over decaying bodies.

Amidst the desolation, a broken statue lay in ruins, a solemn reminder of the fallen kingdom's past glory. Etched upon its surface were the words "King Skoll," a name that once carried reverence and respect. Now, it stood as a mere relic of a forgotten era, shattered like the hopes and dreams of its inhabitants.

It is in this forsaken land that our tale begins, with a hooded figure making his way through the desolation. Unbeknownst to him, he carries within him the dormant essence of royalty, a connection to a destiny he cannot yet fathom. The man, known only as San, wanders the streets with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, his existence shrouded in mystery.In his journey, San encounters a grieving woman, her sorrow echoing through the empty streets. Her tear-streaked face and broken cries reveal the anguish that plagues the kingdom, the pain that has consumed the hearts of its people.

And there, amidst the darkness, another figure emerges, a man named Harold. With weariness etched upon his face, Harold recognizes the hooded wanderer as a key to their salvation. His words hold both urgency and hope, speaking of a power hidden within San that can free Roselia from its torment.

But as their conversation unfolds, a monstrous creature materializes from the shadows, its malevolence evident in every snarl and twisted limb. San, driven by an innate instinct to protect, unleashes a fierce battle against the abomination, unaware of the dormant power surging within him.Though victorious in his fight, San remains unaware of his true identity and the untapped potential that lies dormant within his being. As he kneels beside the dying Harold, the weight of destiny begins to settle upon his shoulders, urging him to uncover the truth of his existence and rise against the encroaching darkness.

And so, in the forsaken kingdom of Roselia, a tale of redemption, discovery, and a battle against insurmountable odds is set to unfold. As San embarks on his journey of self-discovery and empowerment, the fate of Roselia and the entire realm of Saggitarius hangs in the balance.

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