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Dear Diary,

It's the anniversary of that fateful day. The day I wish I could forget for the rest of my life. The anniversary of... their deaths.

I hoped that I would wake up from that nightmare the entire time, but on the next day, I realized everything that happened in that nightmare was reality.

I hope that one day, I'll make peace with what happened. I hope that they rest in peace.


Jake woke up in a familiar place. The school gym. Why was he there in the first place? He wasn't sure. Last time Jake checked, he was at home.

Jake groaned, attempting to sit up from lying on the ground. It looked like there were others also in the gym as well, now that Jake's vision refocused. His head throbbed in pain.

The others were all the familiar faces of his former friends from school. The people awake right now consisted of Hailey, Zander, Liam, Daisy, and Lia.

"Jake! Do you remember anything from before this?" Daisy asks frantically. Her hand is shaking ever so slightly. Jake shakes his head in reply, and Daisy nods and goes to the next person.

Hailey starts, "We've been kidnapped, somehow. There's fifteen of us, and yet the person who managed to do this brought all of us here. There has to be more to it than that, though."

Liam asks, "Does anyone happen to know what these collars are for? It's awfully tight."

No one had a good answer for Liam, to his dismay. People soon started to wake up, one by one, everyone looking just as frazzled as the next.

"Hello, everyone!" Jake's (?) voice rang. Everyone all had the same expression of anxiety on their face.

Although Jake heard his voice, Hailey heard her voice. The same went for everyone else.

"You can just call me Speaker, alright? I'm the one in charge of all of this. You're all here to play a game with me."

Milly furrowed her eyebrows, "What game?!"

"We'll be playing truth or dare! It's simple." The speaker responded.

"Really? Truth or dare? That's what you kidnapped us for?!" Zander shouted. Luke put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.

"Truth or dare, except you don't get a say in whether you play or not. You see those collars on your neck. I can tighten it. If you don't complete a dare, or answer the truth, it'll result in death."

Everyone stood on guard. Sweat trickled down Sean's face. Just what would this voice make them do?

"Here's the rules of the game! It's basically the same as your average truth or dare game, but with a fun twist. You'll all sit in a circle. I'll read off a truth or a dare randomly, and one of you will pick a person to answer the question, or do the dare. The same pattern will repeat itself around the circle. Every five turns, a random person will be selected to complete a truth or a dare. After that's completed, you will continue around the circle as needed."

"You—!! You're awful!" Daisy yelled with tears in her eyes. Sadie glared at no one in particular, but it was clearly towards whoever the voice was.

"Anyone who doesn't complete their truth will die. Anyone who doesn't complete their dare will die. Any other questions?" The speaker sounded so lighthearted when speaking.

Stacy asked, "What's your motive behind this? Why are you doing this? You're going through an awful lot of work to kill us all. If you really wanted us dead, you would've done it when we were passed out."

"Hahahaha, you think that I'm gonna answer you, dumbass?! Too bad, so sad!" The speaker mocked Stacy. Stacy clenched her teeth in response.

"So then, let's start! Everyone circle up, and pray you don't get killed. Good luck!" You could almost hear the grin on the speaker's face as they spoke. Everyone, reluctantly, began to form a circle-like shape, although it looked more like an oval.

Everyone's collars started to glow a green-ish color, signaling that the game has officially begun.

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