Chapter Fourteen The Dragon and the Map

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Janai asked Karim the following morning. Naima, along with Team Zym, were going to the lair of the Emberdrake Blacleal who guarded the map to Charringmoure. "Our people need you, Janai," Karim told her. "It's my fault Miyana got captured so I have to go with Callum and his friends to save her." Janai was touched by her brother's willingness to make things right between him and Miyana. "Amaya will be alongside me to protect Callum and his friends," Karim said. "She's the strongest fighter I know to have my back." She fondly punched his shoulder. She signed to Janai. "Besides, someone has to carry his lifeless body if this mission is a bust." She snickered at her fiancee's statement. "What?" Karim asked. "Nothing," Janai said. After saying goodbye to Janai and Gren, Karim and Amaya went to join Callum and his friends. "What's taking Naima so long?" Soren complained. "Cut Naima some slack, Soren. She's saying goodbye to her family before embarking on the biggest journey in her life," Rayla scolded him. They found Naima was with a Sunfire Elf who was around the same age as her and they were having a conversation about her not being strong enough to face Ephai. "What if Blacleal says no and he won't give us the map," Naima was saying to the boy who squeezed her hand reassuringly. "I know you can do this, Naima. You're stronger than you know." "Thanks, Zivon." She hugged Zivon and joined her friends. "Who was that you were talking to?" Rayla asked Naima. "His name is Zivon. He's a new friend I made," she said. "I have a feeling there's going to be another human and elf couple," Soren whispered mischievously to Rayla, who elbowed him when Naima asked what he meant. "Nothing. Soren's just joking." And the group headed to Blacleal's lair. "What did you learn from Zubeia about Blacleal, Callum?" Naima asked him during their journey. "How dangerous is he?" She'd never seen an Emberdrake in real life and she only heard them from her mother's bedtime stories when she was little. "Zubeia told us we have to be careful about the way we talk to him. He's really grouchy so we have to bring him dawnfruits in order to get him on our side." He handed her a basket and they helped Karim gather as many dawnfruits as they could for their peace offering to Blacleal. When the group finally reached Blacleal's cave, they waited for the dragon to arrive. The two baskets of dawnfruits Karim were so heavy he nearly threw out his back. "Where is he?" Karim asked as he rubbed his shoulder. "Maybe he left his cave to get some air," Soren suggested. Suddenly, a thundering muffled noise came from the cave. "I think he's inside the cave. Let's go check it out." Soren walked straight into the cave. "Soren, come back." Naima followed after him and so did their friends. It was a gigantic cave that reminded the group of the inside of a volcano. Thick sheets of magma streaked the volcanic rock walls like tapestries. They came across a pool of boiling lava that led to a pile of rocks. On top of the pile was an Emberdrake who Naima guessed must be Blacleal. The dragon was strong and powerful, with hulking muscles and knife sharp orange claws. His scales were iridescent black like polished onyx with bits of light gray and dark red. Although he appeared like the average Emberdrake, Naima could see he was not dangerous. His head was lowered and great drops of bright yellow tears oozed from his sanguine eyes and streaked his long jawed face. The guardian of the map to Charringmoure was crying. "I thought Zubeia said that Blacleal was grumpy," Rayla said.

Ezran shook his head. "He doesn't look grumpy now." "Well, whatever the reason, something is wrong." Naima slowly walked up to the dragon. "Excuse me, Blacleal? We're sorry to bother you but why do you look so sad?" Blacleal stopped crying and looked at Naima. "What brings you to my lair?" he asked in a rumbling voice. "I'm Naima Gentlekind and my friends and I have come to ask you for the map to Charringmoure but we heard you crying and I wonder if there is something wrong." Blacleal wiped his eyes with his paws. "I have helped people for a hundred years. But no one has offered to help me." "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Naima asked. Blacleal rose to his feet and unfurled his wings, revealing sunny yellow and sunset orange scales underneath them. Dry, flaky patches scattered across his scales. "Scale rot," Naima realized. "How did this happen?" "I was finishing up from my weekly lava bath when a rogue Sun mage came into my lair and cast a spell to dry out my scales under my wings," Blacleal explained. "It hurts something awful." "This must be Ephai's doing," Karim said. "I've learned some healing skills and we've brought you some dawnfruits. Maybe I can use them to cure your scales," Naima offered. "Thank you. That's very kind of you." She took the baskets of dawnfruits and walked across the volcanic rock bridge to Blacleal's rock pile. Then she filled up the basket with the other fruit and mashed it together with water and olive oil. She noticed him flinching at the paste when she first applied it on his scales and sang him her mother's old lullaby to calm him down. "Through the night, may my voice reach you. Over the wind, may my heart fly to you. May you sleep, eyes closed. May you sleep, stars luminous. Rest your head over my lap, all your dreams will be reality. Step through a door to another realm. Slowly walk into the silver light. May you sleep, eyes closed. May you sleep, stars luminous. Rest your head over my lap, all your dreams will be reality." When she was finished applying the paste on his right wing, she started on the left wing. "That was the song Queen Kelilah sang to her infant daughter," Blacleal told Naima. "She was a kind hearted woman. How did you know her lullaby?" "I am Kelilah and Adir's daughter. The mage who injured your wings murdered my parents and he's bent on exacting his revenge against my family unless we stop him," she explained sadly. "I am deeply sorry for your loss. At first, I was shocked to learn that Kelilah fell in love with a human Ocean mage from Duren but when I met him for the first time, it was clear that Adir was the perfect husband for Kelilah. I will give you the map to Charringmoure." Blacleal stretched his body and newly healed wings and flew up to a pillar of rocks. He gave Naima a rolled up black piece of parchment. She unrolled it and it was written with the directions of Charringmoure in dark brown ink. "Thank you, Blacleal," she said to him. "Be aware, noble heroes. The City of Smoke and Night is a dangerous place. Many brave souls have entered the city but not a single one has returned. If you are able to defeat Ephai and destroy this accursed city of his, then you have my respect as well as my gratitude." He bowed respectfully to Naima and she bowed to him in return. "Thank you, noble Emberdrake," she said. The group left the lair and Blacleal gave them a blessing of safe travel. "May the light of the Sun guide you on your quest."

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