Chapter Twenty One Healing Hearts

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It was a sunny morning in the Sunfire Elves' camp, so Karim decided to take a walk. As he made his way across the camp, he enjoyed the warmth of the sun against his face and the sight of humans and Sunfire Elves talking, laughing, and helping one another. He recalled his old opinion on humans. At first, he was mistrustful toward humans due to Lord Viren having brought the fall of Lux Aurea. But Amaya's nephews Callum and Ezran had helped him open his eyes to what was important: the rift between Xadia and the Pentarchy had been healed and humans and elves were not so different after all. Both kinds had families, cared about each other, and felt emotions. It made him realize how wrong and selfish he was. Karim had made good on his promise on making amends with Janai and Miyana by performing good deeds around the camp. First, he had healed Lucia's burned hands with Sun's Tears ointment and saved her the trouble of polishing the candle holders that held the Soul Candles. Then he and Janai cleaned Embertail's stable. Finally he had joined Amaya and Commander Gren in a sparring session with Callum in Katolis. Everyone had asked him if there was anything they could do to repay him but he told them it was the least he could do. He was starting to sound like his grandmother. He shook his head fondly. Naima had changed his life. He couldn't wait to tell Miyana about his day. Suddenly, he heard someone sniffle and froze in his tracks. He followed the source of the sound to find Miyana at their secret meeting spot. She was slumping down against the wall with her head buried in her arms. Karim slowly walked up to her. "Miyana, are you all right?" he asked her. Slowly she looked up at him, her face tear stained and depressed. "I'm fine, Karim," she said with a tired smile. "I just had a bad day." But he helped her up to her feet and they went to her tent. Karim studied her face with concern. Her amber eyes were puffy and red rimmed from crying and her cheeks were sunken. Her wavy dark brown hair was a tangled, lusterless mess that was in desperate need of both a wash and a brush. She looked every inch an emotional wreck. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" Karim said gently. It broke his heart to see his beloved in such a disheartened state. Before his very eyes, one of the Sunfire Elves's most elite generals, the most skilled warrior he knew, broke down in tears. Karim went to get Miyana a glass of water and he handed it to her. "Look at me, Miyana. Take a deep breath," he instructed, breathing in and out. She followed suit and took a small swig of water. After she drank the water, she said in a quiet voice. "I had a nightmare about Ephai. I know that he's gone now and Naima finally avenged her parents but I can't get him out of my head." She covered her face with her hands as she sobbed. "If w-we hadn't argued, I wouldn't have been captured. I'm so sorry, Karim." "No, Miyana," he told her. He took her hand and gently squeezed it. "You didn't know Ephai was planning to ambush you. I shouldn't have let my own selfishness and headstrongness cloud my judgment. It's my fault you got captured, not yours. But I'm going to make it up to you. All I need to do is figure out how." "Karim, how long have I been sitting around by myself?" she asked him, her voice laced with panic. "About five minutes. Why?" "I'm supposed to meet Janai for a meeting with the other Horns! I'm going to be late! But I can't let Janai see me like this!" Karim hated to see Miyana suffering an anxiety attack. He knew the perfect way to make it up to Miyana for his mistakes. "Miyana, breathe," he said as he put his hands on her shoulders. She took a few deep breaths and once she'd wound down, Karim said, "It's clear to me that you've been through a lot ever since Ephai is gone. So I'm going to find Janai and tell her about your ordeal. When was the last time you had a day off?" "That's very thoughtful of you, Karim," Miyana told him. "But..." "No buts," he replied. "You shouldn't be stressing over something else when you've already dealt with so much with Ephai. Naima always said that if you want to take care of other people, you need to take care of yourself first." "All right." Miyana nodded. "It's going to be okay, Miyana. We're going to be okay." Karim went to Janai and explained to her about the ordeal Miyana was going through. Janai had thought it was sweet of her brother wanting to do everything he could to cheer Miyana up and she agreed to cover Miyana's duties for the day. With that settled, Karim went to Naima and asked her to make a batch of natural skin care products. She put them in jars and arranged them in a basket. "It's a nice thing that you're doing for Miyana," she told Karim when she gave him the basket. "She's always been there for me. Now I'm going to be there for her." Karim knocked on the door of Miyana's tent and she opened it. "Where were you?" she asked as he went inside and closed the door. "I just dropped by at Naima's castle to get some supplies," he said, holding up the basket. "Wait right here while I get your surprise ready." He headed to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. Then he placed two candles on each side next to the tub. He looked around and felt satisfied with his work. Miyana was going to love his surprise. He exited out of the bathroom and walked to Miyana. "What are you up to, Karim?" she asked him. "I want to make things right with the people I've hurt and pushed away. You've helped me see the error of my ways. Now I want to help you relax and get the closure you need," he said kindly. "You don't deserve to hurt like this, to be forced to shoulder the burden of making impossible, painful choices I selfishly bestowed upon you." Miyana wanted to reply that he was doing better now but she knew he had more to say. "After the pain I've caused, it's only right to alleviate your pain." He lifted her chin up with his finger. "Please, Miyana, let me take care of you because it's what you deserve. Let me spoil you. You mean the world to me." He and Miyana embraced and kissed passionately. "Come with me," he said as he took his lover's hand. Karim led Miyana to the bathroom. "Digitus Illustris," he said, lighting the four candles. Then, with an effortless motion, he scooped Miyana into his arms and sat her down on a wooden stool. She watched him set to work on drawing a bath for her and he came to her to remove the gold rings from her horns and headpiece. "Karim, why are you doing this?" He smiled at her. "Because you need this, Miyana, and you deserve it." She stepped out of the stool and she looked at Karim's work. The fragrance of plumerias, lavender, jasmine, and lemon balm from the candles filled the room, casting a peaceful aura. This could be her day at the spa. She turned to Karim as he pulled out the stool and sat on it. "And what are you going to do while I do this?" she asked. "I'll be along once you've gotten comfortable in the tub," he smiled. "To make your day off more enjoyable." Once Miyana had settled into the tub, she felt Karim massage her shoulders. There was a tranquil atmosphere in the bathroom. Karim knew he was not like Aaravos as he carefully removed Miyana's earrings and rubbed her earlobes. He would use his magic for good and move on from his people's past. He and Miyana would always be together and their differences would never drive them apart like Aaravos and Aditi. His daydreams were interrupted by a low moan from Miyana. He stopped kneading the back of her neck. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked. "No, I didn't realize how sore my neck had gotten." "Well, I'm going to change that." He resumed massaging her neck. Eventually, Miyana closed her eyes, her pinched expression fading into a look of pure bliss. She found herself sinking lower into the warm bath water as Karim drenched her hair. Then he took her hair in his hands and lathered it with a bar of rose scented soap. He kept his touches strong but gentle as he worked through her wavy locks. His hands massaged her scalp, causing her whole body to unknot. She hadn't known someone else washing her hair could feel so good. After the bath, Karim gave her a deep tissue massage until he smoothed away every knot of tension out of her back and put her bathrobe and slippers on for her. When he had to lead her to a chair, he brushed her hair until it was satiny. "Are you enjoying yourself, Miyana?" Karim asked her as he took her slippers off her feet and placed them in a foot bath. Red roses and pink plumerias floated in the bowl. "Yes, thank you, Karim," she said. "I'm feeling better already." "I'm glad to hear that. If you're in a hugging mood, I'll get Salana too so you can get the cuddle treatment while I rub your feet. How does that sound?" "Sounds wonderful," Miyana said. With her pet fire fox nestled in her lap, Miyana closed her eyes as Karim pampered her with the handmade skin care products Naima had made. Her face was coated with a scorchberry mud pack and a pair of cucumber slices were placed atop her eyelids. She petted Salana, who purred blissfully. She lifted one cucumber slice. "I can't believe you planned me a self care day," she said to Karim as he massaged her feet. "Well, Naima helped with the supplies," he replied. "You're such a sweetheart." Karim chuckled. "Janai used to criticize my love life and she said I was a romantic. I'm starting to think she's right." He handfed Miyana a scorchberry and rubbed her hands. He took the cucumber slices off and popped them into her mouth. "Thank you so much for the pampering, Karim," Miyana said, wiping the dried mud pack with a washcloth. "It's just what I need." "Happy to be of service, my love," he said. "You may not be born with royal blood but you're a princess to me." "Good night, my handsome prince." "Sleep peacefully, my brave general." Karim and Miyana kissed each other good night and he left the tent. He knew in his heart that Miyana was going to sleep well tonight.

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