Act I

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The morning was like any other, with a light shining through the miniest of
cracks. It was a blissful scene that most dread for; however, the mistress did not enjoy this morn - for it was, to her, that these mornings meant duty; in diligence, she arose from her mattress, bringing her head up like how a bent down rose would erect itself, and finally her eyes flickered until it shone lovingly throughout the room like a lamp. Today was a day of 'labour'. This particular Mistress was a quiescent one, thus she did not fret, not even a speck for this day of work.After having finished tidying her mattress, she indulges herself with the many choices she had in her wardrobe.

"This will suit today." She told herself in bliss sentiment. It was a fine green French garment; a dress that spanned to the ankle, with its hem and the edges being the colour of beige. Today's duty is a 'harvesting' the slaves from the venue; they were brought not so long ago from a previous auction. Endowing her shoes and brushing her hair, she placed a dreary grin on her face towards the mirror - It doesn't male her feel any better but it gets clansmen working harder.

[The Mistress grabs on the knob. Turning it, she opens the door to the beautiful garden outside.]

Peering over the fields with palm overhead, she announces her presence:
"The morning is beautiful! Yes?" She exclaims in pseudo-bliss to the clansmen.
There was a table and chair to the Mistress' left; two men sat - both with medium-build, one who sat on the east had an imperial moustache; he was drinking a steaming cup of coffee, the other who had sat farther to the north only had his arm on the table; he has a distinguishable black hat additionally, both were white and was wearing formal clothing as if meeting in a conference - they promptly turned to the Mistress walking towards them gracefully.

"Ah, Menesis, you've awoken! We've been waiting since the sun rose." The man in the hat greeted the Mistress profoundly whereas, the man with the moustache took another sip on his coffee before finally speaking.
"You're quite right, Menesis. Today is a beautiful morning, although I don't think the other [working] clansmen on the field could hear your voice. Won't you sit with us?" The man spoke with such elegance to which the Mistress nodded and complied.
With no second thought she pulled the chair outwards and sat, upon closer look both men had metal badges on their chest with ornate decorations and carvings.

"Ah. Well my apologies for making you two wait for so long.. Both of you must be exhausted from your trip here; I heard that there's some kind of a ruckus-assembly in the town."
The man in the hat chuckles whilst slamming the table lightly:
"Honestly, those lowlives in town are nothing but dirt-stained 'infidels' to their own." He remarks about the people who're setting up loud assemblies and revolutions in town; these peoples are Catholics who're putting up a fight to abolish slavery albeit, Menesis does not worry too much about it. After all, what can a handful of Catholics do to make a difference right?
"I concur, They're almost the same as any degenerate queer out there." The moustached man replies - though Menesis, the Mistress stays silent amidst both of the men's remarks instead choosing to change the topic of business.

"Ahem. Sir Gachet, about the venue [of the slaves]?" Menesis turned to the moustached man; who's finally finished his coffee.

"Ah. Yes, the venue will be in the stables near the town's wet market. I paid the one who maintains the stables there to let the slaves stay until you can readily pick them up."
"And the quality?" She follows up.
Still holding up a static expression the moustached man confidently reassures her.

"Fine, no, this batch is top quality. I promise you, dear Menesis."
Menesis lowers head in amazement and inquires about one more thing.
"What [mode of transportation] have you two settled for me?"
This time the man in the hat answers her question.

"A drive from our candour contact, he handles a bullock cart. He'll get you through town with no discord." After his answer he stands up and walks to Menesis; nearing towards The Mistress he offers her a hand to stand up. "You should get going, Mistress, we'll part ways when you get to the contact."
The Mistress discreetly takes up his hand and stands up; The moustached man follows along suit.

She giggled briefly before finally walking to the forefront with the two men entailing behind her; she veers her sight to the right of the garden and she sees her 'clansmen' rearranging various flora and cutting overgrown weeds.
"This work better be finished by the evening, or else you're no true Venerer!"
She exclaims to the clansmen as she turns right back to the road ahead.
"You seem as stingy as ever when it comes to presentation hmm, Mistress?" The moustached man jested. In silence, she eloquently puts her arm up; she angrily bites down on her thumb nail, wearing a face of fervour rage without the two men knowing. Albeit the man in the hat seems to notice Menesis lowering her head and promptly detests the moustached man's joke.
"You're being too comfortable around this certain Mistress, if it were not of the contract we have with her you'd have been hanged!" condemning the moustached man discreetly as to not to let the Mistress hear.
After a few minutes of walking, they've finally reached their contact.
The two men diligently escorted her to the carriage; Menesis gave them one good look and bid them farewell:
"We'll see you again soon, Mistress, as long as there's potential business." The man tipped his hat and loaned a smile not before giving a kiss on her hand.
The moustached man also bid farewell, shaking her hand and briefly apologising about the joke earlier; Menesis waved goodbye to both as the carriage motions further away.

The Mistress looks down on her hand with scorn. Somehow, something seems to be bothering her. What could this inner trifle be?

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