Chapter 1

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The wind was blowing harshly into his face, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He was running as fast as his short legs would let him, like a wild animal would in the face of a predator, panting so hard that his throat felt like it was on fire. No thoughts filled his mind; he only thought to run. He knew he was in trouble if he stopped, that he couldn't afford that, not yet.

No, he thought. No, no, no! A dead end. The green haired boy stood in his tracks, slowly turning around to face the older boys who were chasing him. The tallest smiled, their fists clenched.

Shaking his head, Izuku kept running. Now's NOT the time to screw up, dumbass. The villain following him growled, ready to attack. Izuku quickly pulled into the closest alleyway on his left, discreetly getting his knife out from his back pocket.

"Nowhere to run now, huh, Valor?" The villain snarls at him. "This time you're not getting away."

Smirking, Izuku dashed behind the villain, hitting his focal point and knocking him out. I hate when they're so easy to take out, it's no fun.

Suddenly, someone from behind says, "Again? At this point you should just do my job for me, kid." Izuku jumped, clearly startled by the mysterious voice. I really should pay more attention, shouldn't I.

Izuku turned around, a cheeky smile placed on his face. Though the older man could not see it, he knew it was there. Standing in full glory before him was none other than the no. 1 underground hero, Eraserhead, visibly done with life. " 'Sup Eraser! Nice weather today, am I right?" Izuku replied, attempting to distract the hero from the limp villain in front of him.

Sighing Earserhead replies, "Kid, it's 3 o'clock in the morning. Why the hell are you even awake? Can't you just leave this to the pros for once?"

"No can do, old man". Izuku replied, already turning around. "Sorry to leave so soon, but I gotta go."

"And where do you think you're going, young man?" Eraser crossed his arms in front of his chest, sounding done with life.

"Jeez, why do you need to know? It's not like you're my dad Aizawa!" Eraser stood, giving Izuku a long, blank stare, and a hand above his heart, almost like he was hurt.

Aizawa sighed. "You leave me with double the paperwork than usual with your little shenanigans. I think I have the right to know."

"Now you're really starting to sound like a dad." Izuku teased. "Anyways, though it's always a pleasure to talk to the one and only Eraserhead, I'm afraid I must leave you now." With that, Izuku sprinted behind the corner of a building, out of sight.

Aizawa sighed for what seemed like the 100th time that day. He pulled out his phone, dialing Detective Tsukauchi's number to let him know that the villain had been taken care of. I don't get paid enough for this shit.

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