Chapter 2

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Izuku enters the warehouse, slamming the slightly rusted metal door shut with a loud and echoing bang. Dammit, that definitely woke Toshi up.

"Really? It's 3 in the morning, bitch," He turns around to see Shinsou Hitoshi, leaned up against the kitchen wall with his arms across his chest. So much for not being noticed.

"Yeah... about that. I may or may not have run into a bit of a problem." Izuku says, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.

Sighing, Hitoshi moves towards the greenette. "What happened this time?" he asks, clearly used to the vigilante's bullshit.

"Well, I kinda, sorta, maybe ran into Aizawa - ... and pissed him off" Izuku says really fast. To anyone else, it may have been indecipherable, but of course, after living with him for so long, Hitoshi understood everything.

"...again? Really? This is the third time this week."

"Calm down, it's not that bad. He didn't even threaten to arrest me this time! In fact, he actually acted more like a worried dad." Izuku says, trying to lighten up the fact that he got in trouble, amused at the last part he said.

Hitoshi could already feel a migraine rushing through his head. What the fuck is wrong with this kid ... "Let me get this straight. You decide to piss off Eraserhead - the NUMBER ONE pro underground hero, instead of running?! And multiple times in one week alone? I -- I don't know what to even tell you anymore. How the fuck have you not gotten caught yet?!"

"Hey! I'm VERY careful...most of the time anyways. Plus, Eraser wouldn't turn me in. I think," Izuku says, offended.

"Sure, Izuku, whatever you say, get cleaned up so we can finally get sleep," Hitoshi says, throwing him a change of clothes that came from thin air. Shinsou was just like that, having things at the most convenient time. Once, he pulled a bag of Cheetos out from behind his back, and Izuku could have sworn that they never bought that.

"Thanks Toshi! You're the best!" Izuku yells while skipping into the bathroom, relieved

Sighing again, Hitoshi makes his way to the shared bed in the corner of the warehouse. He plops down onto the bed while listening to Izuku sing in the self made shower. I must really be turning into a mini Aizawa now, huh? he thought to himself, referencing the amount of sighing he has been doing these past few weeks.

After what seemed like ages, Izuku came out of the shower, crawling into the giant bed alongside his best friend. No, brother. They both shuffled around for some time, finding a comfortable position where Izuku was clinging onto Hitoshi from behind, stealing his warmth. It wasn't long before Izuku finally felt the depths of sleep taking him.

- - - - - - - - - -

Izuku was woken up to the sun glaring straight into his eyes from the window in the bedroom. "Ughhh... TOSHIIII!!" he called, knowing that the stupid insomniac opened the windows so the light would fall onto his eyes just to spite him.

"What the fuck do you want? I'm getting ready now, I don't have time for you." Hitoshi called from the kitchen.

"Ouch, no need to be so mean to your dear brother, now?"

"Get your ass out of the bed bitch. My shift starts in 20 minutes."

Wait... WHAT!?! This bitch- didn't even wake me up earlier, now I have to rush goddamnit. "I know what you're thinking you little asshole, do you really expect me to risk my life waking you up this early in the morning?"

"Jeez, okay... I'm coming. Did you make breakfast? I'm starving"

Izuku walked into the kitchen and plopped down onto the seat near the counter. "It's over there, but go brush for god's sake, you smell like shit."

"Seriously, you really did wake up and choose violence today, didn't you?" Izuku said, rolling his eyes.

"And you really did choose to be a short green asshole"

"You bitc-"

- - - - - - - - - -

The moment Izuku stepped foot into the cozy store tucked away into the outskirts of town, the scent of caffeine and croissants hit him like a bag of bricks.

"Midoryia, stop blocking the entrance and get your ass behind the counter!" The old lady he sadly calls his boss yells out.

"I don't even get paid to work here, why should I?" Izuku pouted.

"You know damn well that I pay your brother extra when you come here, stop being so childish."

Guess I have to do more work today. Izuku got behind the counter and tossed one of the black aprons onto himself. He's been to the cafe so many times that he could call it his own, with each coffee stain and loose seam ingrained to his memory. Though he didn't officially work there, that was Toshi's job, almost everyone who came to the Viridian Cafe knew him. It was kind of concerning to be honest, seeing as he was there almost every day. Most have probably wondered if the kids have school, but apparently nobody cared enough to be bothered to ask them.

Hearing the bell ring Izuku turns to look at the customer. It was a elderly women named Agatha. She was a regular at the cafe and always got the same thing."Hey Agatha! Your usual im guessing?"

Chuckling, Agatha says, "You know me too well Midoryia" She wants us to call her by her first name to make her feel younger.

"Coming right up! And don't worry about the cost, it's on the house!" On the house meaning out of Toshi's pay check but whatever.

"Aw you're too kind Midoryia" Saying that Agatha walks towards a table near the window

I walk to the window which separates the back from the front. "TOSHIIIIII!" I yell it because I know it annoys him.

"What the fuck do you want?" Toshi says clearly annoyed. Hehehe it worked.

"Oh yeah Agatha's here so like make her order."

"Jeez you're so polite aren't you?" Toshi says while rolling his eyes.

"Just make the order, there's another customer coming" I say while turning around to see yet another regular. It's a boy with blonde hair and a black lightning bolt in the middle. His name is Denki Kaminari and he has a very energetic personality. The total opposite of Toshi. "Hi Kaminari! Your usual i'm guessing?"

"Yup! And hey I kinda had a question, if that's okay?"

"Go for it!"

"How old are you?" Then realizing how creepy that sounds he adds, "Not like in a, ya know, a creepy way, heh..." The blonde stuttered, embarrassed about what he just said. "I was just asking cause, like, you look around the same age as me... And I was wondering if we could be friends. If it makes you feel better, I'm 14! I promise I'm usually not this weird." Kaminari's rambling is cut off by a giggle coming from Izuku.

"Hey, don't sweat it, i'm actually 14 too! So is my brot- best friend over there." Izuku says, motioning towards the back while blushing because of the mess up.

"Really! That's cool, Sooooooooooooo, do you wanna maybe hang out after your shifts?"

"Yeah that would be awesome! Anyways you can go sit down and I'll bring your order to you!"

"Great! So i'll see you guys after your shift!" Saying that, Kaminari went and sat down at his usual spot.

Smiling mischievously, Izuku turns towards the window again. "Toshiiii! Your boyfriend is here!!!"

Toshi flushed, face turning to a bright shade of red, "HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND"

Izuku started giggling at his best friends misery. "Okay okay, whatever you say. Anyways, hurry your ass up and make his order."

"Whatever." Hitoshi grumbles, gathering all the ingredients he needed.

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