Nothing Good Ever Comes Out of The Mall

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After Toshi's shift we walk out to see an electric blonde waiting outside the cafe. "Hey Kaminari!"

Looking up, his face lights up. "Hey- wait I just realized that I don't know your names..."

"Oh yeah! My name is Midoriya Izuku and this is my best friend Shinsou Hitoshi!" Izuku says with a smile on his face.

"Sup..." Hitoshi says with a bored look on his face but if you knew what to look for, you could tell that the tip of his ears were red.

Izuku giggles when he notices the red and says "Anyways, lets go hang out!" While skipping away he feels something pull his shirt and him along with it.

"Dumbass, we haven't discussed where we were going to go" Hitoshi says in a deadpan manner.

Flustered Izuku says, "Right....So, where are we going to go?"

Chuckling at the two's antics Kaminari says "How about the mall?"

"Sure" The two of them say at the same time, one of them sounding cheerful and the other sounding tired of life.

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"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! THAT'S SO CUTE!!" The greenette ran over to the clothing store. Flipping over the price tag, "On second's kind of rusty and ugly, lets go" Grabbing the two boys arms, the small boy dragged them out of the store.

"Midoryia, where are we going?" the electric blonde asks while being pulled towards somewhere.

"We are going to the hero merch store" He replies without even sparing him a glance.

Hearing this the grape haired boy's face lit up. Hitoshi loves heroes even though he might not act like it.

Reaching the store Izuku drops the two boys and runs inside and immediately starts fan boying. Sighing, Hitoshi follows him, secretly being really excited but the blonde haired boy didn't need to know that.

"So Midorya, you really like heroes huh. Do you want to be one?" Denki asks.

"I mean yeah i guess, it would be cool but I don't think i'll be able to." Izuku replies sounding a little bitter.

"Why not?" The blone asks, sounding genuinely curious.

"Because the hero system is bias and quirkist" This time it was Hitoshi who answered.

"Toshi is right, the hero course exam for UA is defeating robots, from what I have heard at least. But if you have a mental quirk it will be significantly harder for you to get in, so therefore, they are bias towards the flashier quirks"

"Oh...I never thought about it like that, oh well I'm still going to try my best!" The blonde smiles are Hitoshi and he turned away flustered.

"Whatever, let's go buy some stuff" Hitoshi mumbles while looking at the floor.

Giggling, Izuku dragged Kaminari to the Present Mic section with Hitoshi following close behind.

The tired boy's eyes lit up when he saw the white scarf on the shelf. To a normal hero fan it might just look like a plain piece of clothing, but in Hitoshi's eyes, it was Eraserhead's capture weapon.




Denki chuckled while watching the two boys fight. "Alright calm down, you guys are gonna get us kicked out."

Hearing this the boys froze. Grumbling they pulled apart and glared at eachother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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