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Half an hour
The boys came down from their car and walked towards a big building, JYP HIGH SCHOOL. 

They came down from the car in a  hurry coz they were already late, like half an hour late they all went there diffrente way without looking back at each other.  


lunch time

 "y does the cafeteria has  to be always full everytime "seungmin said trying to find some empty space for him and his friends.

"coz there ass are damn hungry" han said getting tired of moving front and back, as han also tries to find place to sit 

he moved his head to  a directione and found someone that  looked familiar"h-ey  hey hey" han tired to get lee minho attentione by taping his hand 

"just fucking talk i weren't deaf okay" minho said increasing his voice at jisung 

 "if you weren't deaf  then you should have answered  me instead of ignoring me" rude  "whatever i think i saw the other over there" jisung pointed leading then way, they got  to where jisung pointed and they saw chan,changbin,hyunjin and I.N  gathered  together

the first persone to notice them was chan "hey guys how was your class hope you didn't get  detentione"chan said with a worried look on his face 

"yes and no" seungmin said while placeing is tray on the table "y" changbin asked 

"coz  he was scolded but it didn't feel like scolding"  han said  "wait let me guess, cause the teach likes you right?" i.n guessed "evidente "  han replied laughing  " you are so lucky min" changbin said pouting 

"yh luck or not it really annoying for me to be in a where your teacher would stear at you  thoughout the lesson. like am not the only one in the class  there was han, linda, yuri and sliver and james in class today i mean they are very hot and cute  than me" seungmin said with his hand in  the air .

"who the fu-k is sliver" Han asked    "sliver sliver you know"   seungmin said 

" no i dont know" han said still unkown of who is sliver "sung sliver the one is alway saying give eye everytime in class"  me han said shocked , not look han was shocked also the rest of the boys were shocked. 

"yh she does wake up  bro"seungmin said giving a fake disappointed look to han.

"cough cough" Lee  minho coughed then took a slip of this water 

"you good hyung" han asked minho " yeah yeah" minho replied everyone had decied to eat  where food without talking. then I.N broke the silence by saying   "btw why is hyunjin so quite today" asking as if he isn't with them . everyone looked at  hyunjin. expecting for the boy to say something but there was  nothing. just him eating this food , then I.N spoke again " y isn't our sunshine here  yet" "oh i forgot to tell you guys he said he wouldn't be able to eat with  us" chan said  " and  you are just saying it now i even took extra food for him" changbin spoke out loud  " well next time ask him first "minho said pointing his spoon at Changbin.

"Hyunjin y weren't you with felix today don't the two of  you  have the project  together" chan asked hyunjin. "so because i have some stupid  project with him  i shoudn't  eat my food" they stared questioning him about his reasons for leting felix do the work alone,hyunjin got a  pissed bout the questiones and slamed the table and let some of them scard and some shocked. "for how long is hyunjin going to be like this huh"chan   asked 

"bit me " changbin

"i didn't wanted to say anything but i think something happened between them"Chan

I.N- yh for sure 

Lee minho- i was all so thinking bout it this mornining in the car it was so silent 

 Changbin-who knows (sigh)

Han-  i tryed asking felix but he said everything so cold and good

Seungmin - "what i  have been seeing isn't cool and good to me" "wait how long has it been, wasn't seen hyung jeonkook party"

yh !!! 


thx for reading 

i know it the most longest lunch break EVER!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

pls read the first part again i added some tea too it.

pls read the first part again i added some tea too it

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