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they arrived at their dorm at 7:46

Felix went to his room  to freshing up put on his PJ then went to hyunjin's room to tell him about the project,

Felix knocked at hyunjin door,  "who was that" Hyunjin asked 

"it me felix" felix rispond it me,  some loud noise where had from the other side of the door few min later hyunjin came out of the room and closed half of  the door from  felix  seeing anything

"what do u want" hyunjin asked  "well...it about the project" felix repiled 

so what about it??hyunjin ask  in a ash tone makeing felix a little scared  to form a sentece 


"are you block o something"

"hm...i finished...the project ...do you want to look at it??" 

"nah all i  want is good grades." hyunjin said closing his door."

"we should at list look at it together" felix said trying to stop him from closing is door 

"nah i'm busy playing nintendo switch" 

"what about tomorrow ?" asked felix

"no i'm busy" 

"when are you free???" asked felix


hyunjin said as he banged his door at felix face

 felix felt like if he was beening used

"rude" felix said walking away  from hyunjin room  

"hey can we ta-"oh sorrying interrupting you guys fun. i will come another time " one of the boys ran to felix "No no stay u didn't interrupt anything" I.N said  "no i will just go it nothing "felix spoke 

"felix come sit, you wanted to talk right?" seungmin spoke from the bed."yeah i wanted to talk about hyunjin" felix spoke. "Finally" I.N  spoke while letting  felix stay inbetween them on the bed  so they could hear him well. "Ok what about hyunjin?" I.N asked,felix took a deep breath before speaking  "inhale exhale we are here for you" seungmin said waiting for felix to speak."okay am sure you guys have notied the way hyunjin has been acting towards me...NO to all us, Especially ME  when i greet him he doesn't respond back to me." while felix was pureing his mind out seungmin and I.N were glancing at eachother from felix back giving signal to eachother,  "like if he didn't hear anything ,  i can't even have a normal  convasentione with him, like a minutes ago it really annoying"sigh "do you think i  did something to upset him"felix asked while faceing seungmin.

Seungmin rised his both sholder up as a sign that he dosen't know

"yeah  i think something is wrong with hyunjin,and you are surpose to know" I.N  spoke " me y" felix asked confused " coz  you are close to him than me" Seungmin added 

"The truth is that hyunjin never gives me anytime to talk with him, ahhh it driving me crazy".


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