chapter 3

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chapter 3

Harry’s POV

I had no idea what to do, I just couldn’t get Ava out if my head. Certainly not after yesterday, she’s been stuck on my mind since. I just couldn’t forget about her, she was all I ever wanted. She was so kind and generous and she loved to help others, even if she had problems herself.  She would help elders cross the street. She was always happy and she had a laugh to die for. She would always skip down the road instead of walking, because that would be just too mainstream. She had a great sense of humor and she would crack the best jokes. She had a killer personality and as if that wasn’t already enough, she was the most beautiful girl in the world. She had long dark brown hair with loose curls here and there, her laugh was really pretty and her eyes, wow. Her eyes were chocolate brown and if I wanted, I could stare in them for hours. What am I saying, days!

Wow, I really needed to stop thinking about her… I screwed it up a while ago and I couldn’t make it up now could I? Maybe if I went to visit her and talk about it? Who am I kidding? She would never let me in, she hates me…

My thoughts were interrupted by someone slamming the door. “Harry, where are you?” Someone shouted, I don’t know who it was though. I wasn’t paying enough attention to figure who it was. I blinked a few times so I wouldn’t feel so sleepy anymore before getting out of my bed and hurrying into the kitchen.

It was Liam standing there, looking at me with a very angry expression on his face. “What the hell have you been doing Harry, where were you? We had a meeting about our world tour, which is starting in two months!” He screamed at me.

“Well, euh… I forgot it?” I asked him with a sheepish smile, trying my best to lighten the heavy atmosphere. But clearly it wasn’t working.

“You forgot it? How the FUCK could you forget the most important meeting of the year? Were you too busy fucking girls, Huh? Is your career not important enough for you?!” Liam shouted at me, seeming even more angry.  Wow I was not used to the angry and rude Liam, what has gotten under his skin? Was the meeting really that important? And what the hell? I was NOT doing it with very other girl! Now I was really pissed, if he even thinks that he can say those things to me…

“Who do you think you are? Don’t you go around telling me what to do! Do you really thinkthat I would forget the meeting on purpose? And second of all, I haven’t touched another fucking girl since Ava, so you shut your shitty mouth and get the hell out of my flat! You can come back when you’re done being a prick!” I shouted at him, my face becoming red. After that I made a gesture towards the door, meaning that he should leave, immediately.

“Fine then!” Liam shouted once more, before storming out of my flat. Slamming the door even louder this time. Leaving me behind stunned but furious at the same time.

I had to do something, I couldn’t let my problems ruin my career and my friendship with Liam and the other boys. And most of all myself, I was ruining myself. I ate less, I slept less, I became lifeless… There was only one thing I could do, and I never ever thought that I’d do it.


I was in my car, driving towards town center. It was a sunny day and there wasn’t much traffic due to the rather warm day. The sun was at a low height now and I had on my Ray Ban sunglasses.  I was trying to focus on the road but I just couldn’t, I was way too nervous. My hands were shaky and I was clamping onto my steering wheel for dear life. I was starting to get sweaty and the palms of my hands felt wet. I was actually doing this! I was so excited, but also frightened at the same time, because it had been a while ago. And the fact that I’m hated by her doesn’t help either.

And here I was, standing in front of her flat. “Come on Harry, you can do this!” I told myself. I took a deep breath and walked inside the building towards the elevator. I pushed the little button on the side and waited for it to light up, meaning that the elevator was on its way. I waited, and waited and waited, but the elevator never came… So I decided to take the stairs. What floor was is again? Second or Third? Third I guess…

Finally after all the stairs I had taken I was at the Third floor, so I got it right after all. Iwas out of breath and my mouth was dry, I was shivering and my head started getting dizzy. I guess I can’t handle stress that well…

I knocked her door, number 3 to be precise, and waited for someone to open it. But nobody came so I knocked another time but still nobody came. I pressed my ear against the door and heard the television playing so I knew someone was home. I did not came here to go back empty-handed so I knocked again, and again and again. And the more times I knocked, the louder it became.

And then finally I heard someone scream “Alright! I’m coming!” And that was the moment I knew for sure that she hadn’t moved away and that she really was at the other side of the door. I heard footsteps come closer and within seconds the door swung open to reveal Ava.

There she was, standing at her door, I think that at first she didn’t recognize me because she blinked a couple of times. But when she realized who I was, she was looking at me with… with a disgusted look on her face? Disgusted? What?

“You must be kidding me!” She said, and that was the only thing said because after that, she turned around and tried to close the door. But without thinking I quickly reacted and placed my foot between the door so that she couldn’t close it.

“No, please Ava, please let me explain!” I pleaded, almost begged. I was determined to solve this for once and for all.

I wasn’t going to give up.  Not this time. 


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2013 ⏰

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