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Y/N walks into his apartment that he shares with his girlfriend Amy. He sees her sitting on the couch and walks over to her.

"Hey babe."


He looks at her as she moves away from his hold, standing up and pacing. 

"What's wrong?"

"We need to talk."

Y/N feels his heart shatter. He knows what that means, everyone does.


"I'm sorry Y/N."

She kneels in front of him as he runs his fingers through his hair. She puts her hands on his knees as he covers his face with his hand.

"You're a good guy Y/N but things just aren't working out the way I thought they would."

He nods getting up abruptly and walking into their shared bedroom. She follows him in.

"Y/N please say something."

"What's there to say Amy? You've already made up your mind and nothing I say is going to change that right?"

She nods, tearing up. He pulls his phone out sending his brother a text, asking if he can stay till he gets back on his feet and that he'll explain more when he gets there.

Amy leaves Y/N to pack his clothes and other stuff. He puts them in his car sighing before heading back inside for the last box.

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Leonard said I can stay with him and his roommate."

"I'm really sorry about this Y/N."

She hugs him and he returns it, kissing her head.

"I know. We're just at different stages in our lives."

He hands her the key for the apartment before leaving to his car. He gets in resting his head on the steering wheel before he puts his seatbelt on and drives off.

Meanwhile, Leonard, Sheldon, Raj, Howard and Penny are sitting around eating. Leonard's phone buzzes with a message.

He pulls his phone out as the others continue to talk, reading the message. He sighs loudly catching everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Leonard?"

"It's Y/ brother."

"I thought you only had one brother and sister," Penny says confused.

"Nope two brothers. Y/N left when he was ten though, our aunt took him to live with her."

"Have you talked to him since?"

"No. Our aunt must've given him my number."

"Well why is he messaging now?"

"He wants to come stay with us until he gets back on his feet, he said he'll explain when he gets here."

"No way."

"Sheldon, he's my brother. You won't even notice he's here."

Sheldon thinks about it for awhile before relenting and agreeing to let Leonard's brother stay with them. 

The next day, Penny pulls into a parking space. She has just finished work and can't wait to just relax. 

As she gets out of her car, she notices a man opening the trunk of his car and sees some boxes. She walks over to him deciding to help.

"Hey, do you need a hand?"

"About three more, you offering?"

She chuckles as the guy turns around, putting a duffel bag over his body. 

"Do you want some help?"

"Well if you're offering."

He smiles holding out his hand, she shakes it.


"Penny. You're Leonard's brother right?"

"So he's mentioned me?"

"Only yesterday when he read your message."

He pulls a light box towards him and hands it to her.

"Yeah, we haven't spoken in awhile. Not from a lack of trying on my part."

"You've tried to talk to him?"


He picks up the last two boxes, putting them on the floor before closing the trunk and locking his car. 

"We were close till I left to stay with my aunt. He blamed me for leaving him there with our nightmare parents."

He picks the boxes up and the two of them start walking inside. Penny holds the door open for him.


"You're welcome."

She sees him about to head towards the lift.

"That doesn't work."

"Why not?"

"No idea, hasn't worked since I've been here."

"I'm guessing you know where Leonard lives."

"Yeah, I live across from him."

"Well lead the way."

She leads the way up the stairs.

"So what do you for work Penny?"

"I'm a waitress until I become an actress, you?"

"Waiter and aspiring YouTuber."

"Do you have work here yet?"


"I can see if my work are looking for anyone if you want."

"That'd be great thanks."

Penny smiles watching the younger Hofstadter brother. 

"You know Sheldon probably won't like you leaving your stuff around there, do you want to leave them at my place."

"Are you trying to rob me?"

She laughs more as he chuckles.

"Sure why not."

Penny opens the door to her apartment and the two put the boxes in her room. She leads the way over to Leonard's place.

"Well I'll let you get settled in."

"Thank you for everything Penny."

"It was my pleasure."

She heads back towards her apartment.


She turns around with a smile which he returns.


"It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice meeting you too Y/N."

Penny opens the door to her apartment heading inside with a smile as Y/N knocks on the door. 

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