6- love from a madman

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Tom woke up to the noise of things being moved around, at first he was a bit panicked, it took him a second to register just where he was and when he finally did, he relaxed back into his bed. That's right HIS bed, in HIS room. He cracked his eyes open a bit to see the furniture Hadrian had bought him being moved into his room by the house elf's. He sat up slowly as to not catch their attention as he watched them, He got off the bed as quietly as he could and left his room, his feet patting on the floor as he went down the stairs. Hadrian was at the end of the stairs looking through some papers while helping the elf's sort his things.

Tom was a bit hesitant, he didn't want to interrupt the man, he noticed it was not yet sunrise either and didn't know if he would get in trouble for being up. He was deep in thought and didn't notice Hadrian walking over to him. Before he could decide to sneak back into his room he was gently picked up, he looked up in surprise and was met with the gentle smiling face of Hadrian.

"It's a bit early for you to be up don't you think?" Hadrian asked playfully as he adjusted him in his arms so he was laying against his shoulder comfortably. Tom blushed in embarrassment at being found out but calmed down at the playful tone. "I woke up to the sounds of the elf's, I wanted to watch.." tom muttered clutching at the end of his shirt. Hadrian smiled and rubbed his back comfortingly, "alright, you can watch but then back to bed ok?" Tom nodded at him and Hadrian went back to sorting things out, tom still being held by him.

It didn't take long for tom to get tired again, and soon he was fast asleep in Hadrian's arms, the man chuckled quietly and transfigured a chair to sit on as to not wake tom. He held tom gently in his arms while he rest on his lap. He whispered to the elf's while stroking toms hair lulling him into a deeper sleep.

(It's small ik 😭 but I had to get something out for you guys, night darlings ❤️)

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