8-The importance of balance 2

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"Magic is meant to be balanced, there can never be only light, or only dark. Lady magic is the center of it all, she can not go on living if a part of her is missing. That is why magic seems to weaken, there is no balance. The more the light bans the dark, the more our lady weakens." Hadrian stroked Toms hair who was sitting on his lap silently listening to him. "I didn't know that magic was a person" Tom said scrunching his eyebrows in thought. "Magic is part of us, do you know the meaning of sentient?" Tom shook his head. "It means the ability to perceive or feel things, there is this wonderful rumor about magic called sentient wards." Tom gave him a confused look. "Not getting it?" Hadrian smiled and booked his nose making Tom flush red and look away shyly. Hadrian chuckled and pulled a book down from the table next to them. He opened the book to a picture of a beautiful castle that was labeled, 'Hogwarts'. "Hogwarts developed sentient wards, what I'm trying to say, is that Hogwarts is alive" Toms eyes lit up in understanding. "She has emotions, awareness, heck she responds back if you greet her. And Merlin isn't she gorgeous.." Hadrian spoke with fondness as he handed tom the book.

"You said it- she developed the wards?" Hadrian smiled and nodded. "Clever boy, yes she developed them by herself through her own magic. Her wards are in her center, aka the Heart. Actually her heart was not made by wizards but by herself and what she wanted. She wanted to help the children and give them what they needed the most. Wizards have never found any proof that this is true, as I said they say it is just a rumor". Tom tilted his head and smiled a bit.

"But it isn't a rumor is it?" Hadrian smiled and nodded. "When I was at Hogwarts, I found her heart. It was beautiful and was the place I loved the most." Tom smiled at him. "Where is her heart?" Hadrian chuckled and picked him up while standing. "That my child, is for you to find out when you go to Hogwarts, I've given you enough clues to find it on your own. Now! Off to bed child, we are taking a trip tomorrow!"

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